Easy Ide Recommended?


Still Fresh
Aug 1, 2008
Hi, is there any recommended way to set up developping apps for a n00b?

Don't worry about the programming part. I just like to know what's a recommended way to keep stuff organised, not having to manually edit textfiles with gedit or notepad. By 'for noobs' I mean no complicated stuff. I mean, have you seen that ZEND IDE for php webscripts? That's NOT making it easier for a hobbyist.
I prefer the "Edit textfiles with gedit", but others prefer IDEs such as Code::Blocks, which does everything for you.
There is a preconfigured Code::Blocks package in the GP2X archives. If I'm not mistaked Yaustar actually put it together.

It's a very nice IDE and I highly recommend. I'm using it now to manage all my projects on several target platforms :)
I havn't done any GP2x stuff with it yet, but as someone just getting back into programming I find that Geany is one of the best IDEs i've ever used. (My last "IDE" was a dos based one, strictly intended for x86 ASM).

Things like Code::blocks are nice for big projects, but Geany is PERFECT for people just starting out, who may only want to work with one source file at a time. Every time I use another IDE it seems very.... busy. Geany on the other hand is as unobtrusive as using gedit, with just the right amount of features sprinkled on top.
Turns out I already have Code::Blocks installed. I don't want another copy with another version of the same app. So I downloaded devkitGP2X.rar from the archive instead. I have a litthe trouble setting it up with CB though.. Am I on the right track or is that chain hopelessly adviced against?

grahf said:
Geany on the other hand is as unobtrusive as using gedit, with just the right amount of features sprinkled on top.

I'm taking a swing at CB first. But from the sound of it, Geany is a clone of Notepad++, which I really love, but no need to have two similar tools.
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Redsandro said:
Turns out I already have Code::Blocks installed. I don't want another copy with another version of the same app. So I downloaded devkitGP2X.rar from the archive instead. I have a litthe trouble setting it up with CB though.. Am I on the right track or is that chain hopelessly adviced against?
Read this: http://wiki.gp2x.org/wiki/Using_CodeBlocks

Good luck :)
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Code::Blocks is great and is amazing and makes me feel like a m m m mechanical meltdown
StreaK said:
Simple Dev Studio for GP2x -> http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,14,2429
I suppose you're looking for this, instead of codeblox. Its ideal for beginners [ like me :) ].

Thanks. Sounds easy enough. But I (think I) prefer something like codeblocks because I always wanted to do some (minimal) programming and tweaking for both pc and gp2x. So I think I don't want an IDE with specifically GP2X in the name.
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Redsandro said:
StreaK said:
Simple Dev Studio for GP2x -> http://archive.gp2x.de/cgi-bin/cfiles.cgi?0,0,0,0,14,2429
I suppose you're looking for this, instead of codeblox. Its ideal for beginners [ like me :) ].

Thanks. Sounds easy enough. But I (think I) prefer something like codeblocks because I always wanted to do some (minimal) programming and tweaking for both pc and gp2x. So I think I don't want an IDE with specifically GP2X in the name.

...anyway you can compile in it apps for PC Windows and / or GP2X. It doesnt matter what ide you\ll use coz it\ll act the same. Simpledev is easier imho for beginner , and you can still write apps for windows / gp2x ...
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How about that, I didn't read good. It is filed under gp2x (duh) but it isn't gp2x specific. So it's an option.

First I need to get some dev chain working in LINUX. I guess the IDE is independent from that. But all chains appear Windows only.

Got C++ working but I cannot compile any gp2x app.. is ARP-linux-for-gp2x-compilers available for linux anyway?
All toolchains Windows only? :D Open2x and devkitGP2X are available for Linux.
Orkie said:
All toolchains Windows only? :D Open2x and devkitGP2X are available for Linux.
Whoops yeah I just learned about open2x. I thought it was for compatibility with that open firmware only. I already tried devkitGP2x and compiling that example* gave me a ton of errors so I thought it's because all those .exe files in the kit made a point about what OS to use..

* example here:

Looking again, errors start with: SDL.h: No such file or directory. But I've also compiled zsnes for linux, and that requires sdl as well. Confusion.
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Still, when trying the devkitGP2X path setup in Code Blocks I quickly get this error:
"NewTest - Release" uses an invalid compiler. Skipping...
Nothing to be done.

So how is it to be setup for linux compatibility?


Also I learned it's 'better' to setup Open2x. I read the wiki's and stuff but cannot set it up in a working way. The package contains no readme on what paths to configure in CodeBlocks for tools, includes etc. or the readme is tucked away cleverly.

These things are probably very obvious for devs, but I'm just not getting it working and it's becoming boring. So would somebody please lay this out for me? (A) ! :) (H)


Just as a note, I used to write some programs back when I was a kid in Delphi, Borland C, later Visual Basic (uncool but easy) and I never had to setup anything. I don't know if all this is new so I might have become spoilt, but I am not a complete idiot. I thought I'd say that because I sound like one! :D
I don't know how to get it setup in linux... this is why I'm using the prepacked Code::Blocks devkit in windows.
I do my coding in Ubuntu, then when I actually need to compile for GP2X, I reboot into XP and open the same project file and compile.
It's not ideal, but it was the best I've been able to manage.

I completely hear you... I just want to "write the code" too :)

SDL.h: No such file or directory.

SDL is in one of two places depending on how your compiler is setup. If you go to SETTINGS>COMPILER AND DEBUGGER and the SEARCH DIRECTORIES, you can add the relevant directory for SDL there...
e.g. I had to add C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\include\SDL to a project yesterday because some compilers expect you to just #include <SDL.h> and others expect #include <SDL/SDL.h>
Thanks for the reply. Indeed not ideal, so I think you might like to know how to set this up in linux also. And as you know, I won't be telling you. (atm) ;)

For the SDL I found a neat trick:
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL/SDL.h"

Still, I got something wrong..

I have these errors with the GNU GCC profile:
obj/Debug/main.o||In function `drawSprite(SDL_Surface*, SDL_Surface*, int, int, int, int, int, int)':|
/main.cpp|35|undefined reference to `SDL_UpperBlit'|
obj/Debug/main.o||In function `main':|
/main.cpp|58|undefined reference to `SDL_Init'|
/main.cpp|65|undefined reference to `SDL_SetVideoMode'|
/main.cpp|74|undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'|
/main.cpp|79|undefined reference to `SDL_JoystickOpen'|
/main.cpp|82|undefined reference to `SDL_GetError'|
/main.cpp|86|undefined reference to `SDL_ShowCursor'|
/main.cpp|88|undefined reference to `SDL_RWFromFile'|
/main.cpp|88|undefined reference to `SDL_LoadBMP_RW'|
/main.cpp|96|undefined reference to `SDL_Flip'|
/main.cpp|106|undefined reference to `SDL_PollEvent'|
/main.cpp|113|undefined reference to `SDL_WaitEvent'|
/main.cpp|135|undefined reference to `SDL_Quit'|
||=== Build finished: 13 errors, 0 warnings ===|

I tried setting up the Open2x profile as said in the WIKI, but I got an invalid compiler error.

Then I created the devkitGP2X profile using:
using arm-linux-gcc.exe
using arm-linux-g++.exe
using arm-linux-ar.exe
I almost felt stupid entering this, because we all know what OS uses .exe. Yet to my surprise, no invalid compiler error.
However on build, exact same errors as quoted above.