East Coast Pandora Get-Together

What Cities would be good for East Coast Meetup?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
I'd like a vote of what cities would be good for an East Coast (United States) meetup.

You may pick more than one city, if more than one would be convenient, or interesting for you.

Personally, I picked

New York




Depending on the time of year, I suppose Boston could work, too.  But NOT in the wintertime!
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Boston has PAX East next month for anyone who wants to have a meetup.  The Ithic.com booth has been moved, to a better corner location.  Not sure of the specifics yet, but we'll be there.  Be sure to drop by! 
I'm hoping to meet up with Link and maybe others? at Pax East in Boston.

I could be persuaded for another meeting in New York, I have family in Connecticut close enough to commute down there easily. 
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Well, seeing as how I don't have a current Passport, Montreal is definitely out for me for now.

Cleveland I kinda sorta considered more Midwest, but it could be do-able, same for Detroit.

Boston...even not in the winter...is HORRIBLE to drive in!!  I circled Fenway Park for over an hour, seeing the stadium, and being unable to actually GET there!

Snow is a four-letter word to me, so it has to be when there is no snow or forget it.

When is PAXEast, and what costs are involved?
What ? no west coast love ? Actually Link came to the Portland retro gaming convention last time .
With Mod power comes much responsibility

... :)

With as big of an area that the "East Coast" covers... I doubt you're going to find a single location that's reasonable for everyone.

Montreal is only about 900 miles from me.  :-)
That was not the intention of this thread.  Obviously, we are not going to find a location EVERYBODY likes.  the point is to find which areas are, by vote, the most convenient, and probably arrange 2 or 3 get togethers in different places.

Montreal is out of the question for me, I have no Passport.

But if Montreal happened to be convenient to a lot of people (and it does not seem to be) then one could be planned there.

By what I am seeing, NY, Philly and Boston are way up there...so maybe a get-together in NY would work for all three of those cities, as it is somewhat in between.  Maybe even somewhere in Connecticut.

The next popular areas are DC Raleigh and Atlanta.  So Raleigh might be an ideal in-between location, maybe Richmond, VA...maybe Fayetteville, NC.

Florida is sorta out there by itself, not convenient to anyone, so perhaps an Orlando get-together would work for Floridians, as it is somewhat central to the state.

This is just to get a basic idea of what is convenient to the most people, and thus some events could be planned in places where it is more convenient for the most people.

I'd consider going to PAXEast in Boston, but I'd need to know what dates, and what expenses would be involved.