E-ink display with color and motion

Don't know if it's the camera, but the colors seem really washed out.

Still, e-ink displays are really awesome!

That's why I'm thinking about buying a e-ink SDK which is compatible with a color e-ink display (but I doubt it's a model that allow such fast refreshing).
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I've read about the e-ink SDK in your thread.

Maybe you could do some motion tests when you have one.
Don't know if it's the camera, but the colors seem really washed out.

Still, e-ink displays are really awesome!

That's why I'm thinking about buying a e-ink SDK which is compatible with a color e-ink display (but I doubt it's a model that allow such fast refreshing).
 It's where the technology is at the present. It will improve, I mean just look at the original Game Boy Color. Yes, I know Sega and Atari had theirs out with better color years earlier, but the batteries just could not keep up with the requirements.
Eventually, I can see this happening, but I'll likely be quite a bit balder and greyer by the time it happens.

Colour E-Ink seems pretty far off, judging by the major players losing interest/backing out due to high development costs etc.- http://www.engadget.com/2013/09/05/the-once-bright-future-of-color-e-paper/

A shame really as the benefits are potentially huge.
I'm sure it will happen, but it's a shame that color e-ink is basically just for lab tests and development. I'm looking forward to upgrading to a color display almost as much as I looked up to upgrading to the glowlight nook.
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