
Yeah - text only. Which is a shame, because it doesn't pick up any formatting.
It doesn't even seem to recognise line breaks - which makes it a right pain in the arse to read.

To be honest, I'm quite disappointed with this feature. It could've at least supported RTFs. Now that would've been a lot better. :)
Yeah - text only. Which is a shame, because it doesn't pick up any formatting.
It doesn't even seem to recognise line breaks - which makes it a right pain in the arse to read.

Perhaps quick fix would be reformating txt files to 40 columns (I'm assuming 8x8 fonts i for 320x240 screen) before viewing them in the GP2x?
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To be honest, Radek, I have no idea what you just said.

If I understand correctly, you're on about adjusting settings in the text reader on your PC prior to putting them on your GP2X. If this is the case (and I'm about to try it), I highly doubt this would work as these are settings for your computer, and won't be remembered by the text file.

Edit: Maybe the new firmware sorts out this problem. I shall try that soon. In the mean time - if you save off your files as RTF files - and then rename the file extension to TXT - this should recognise breaks (by inserting some sort of korean-looking character).