Dzz's Gp2x Nethack Hack


Still Fresh
Aug 24, 2006
if you hardcore nethack players were missing the 'D' command, here it is, i created a new menu entry with it , and would like feedback on the game (if everything is working correctly)

way to use:

grab it here :

extract the .tar.bz2 somewhere, it contains the SOURCE code and the 'nethack.gpe' inside it (you'll have to modify the makefile if you wanna rebuild, i set it to my paths and compiler and stuff...)

just get this nethack.gpe and drop it in your nethack folder (overwrite the older executable)

we still need some more missing commands, but the most vital one that was missing is already there....

--- people thought i was pointless but try to escape a horde of monsters when you're polymorphed into a gridbug and overtaxed (and having no way to drop it all at once.... YASD!) --- in resume: use "D" (Drop Types, and more than one at a time)

please comment any bugs/instabilities to me, as we don't wanna bother the real coder gods :-) let's keep it down to us, source code fiddlers :)

thanks! :P
Nice, someone modifying Dzz's Nethack. :)
Even though I'm too sucky at Nethack to even ever need the D command, I still appreciate the fix/addition.. :)

Have you, by chance, any knowledge of how the tiles work out?
I've made myself an ASCII tileset (much like my previous one which can be found on the archive:,0,0,0,23,2183) but using a smaller font (not sure about how big it is anymore.. :P But what it does is allow you to see the entire vertical area, and 3/4th of the horizontal area), but when I use it inside the game, I get artifacts on the top of the screen because it.. well.. the graphics code is wonky somewhere.

So, if I get on my other PC in a few minutes/hours, and after I upload my tiny tiny tiny ASCII tileset, can you perhaps try to see if you can fix the graphical bugs, so that perhaps in future Nethack releases by you, you can bundle both my tiny tiny tiny ASCII tileset and my tiny ASCII tileset (link above)?

Anyways, some ideas I had thought up:
*It'd be nice if the virtual keyboard had a little list somewhere on the top left of *all* previously entered things. Makes Elbereth'ing a much easier task.
*Currently, it appears as if the game only sees a maximum of 7 or 8 tileset files. It'd be nice if this could be extended to, say, 16 or 32 or something...
Megagun said:
Nice, someone modifying Dzz's Nethack. :)
Even though I'm too sucky at Nethack to even ever need the D command, I still appreciate the fix/addition.. :)

Have you, by chance, any knowledge of how the tiles work out?
I've made myself an ASCII tileset (much like my previous one which can be found on the archive:,0,0,0,23,2183) but using a smaller font (not sure about how big it is anymore.. :P But what it does is allow you to see the entire vertical area, and 3/4th of the horizontal area), but when I use it inside the game, I get artifacts on the top of the screen because it.. well.. the graphics code is wonky somewhere.

So, if I get on my other PC in a few minutes/hours, and after I upload my tiny tiny tiny ASCII tileset, can you perhaps try to see if you can fix the graphical bugs, so that perhaps in future Nethack releases by you, you can bundle both my tiny tiny tiny ASCII tileset and my tiny ASCII tileset (link above)?

Anyways, some ideas I had thought up:
*It'd be nice if the virtual keyboard had a little list somewhere on the top left of *all* previously entered things. Makes Elbereth'ing a much easier task.
*Currently, it appears as if the game only sees a maximum of 7 or 8 tileset files. It'd be nice if this could be extended to, say, 16 or 32 or something...

thank you for your words of support ! :)

yup, i can try, this would be a nice addition, the farther you can see, the better you can think your next moves, right?

but first things first, this thing is still missing a bunch of vital commands for getting real playable, dzz did a great (and big chunk of) work writing this menu interface, but it's still flakey on some points, for example, the new command i've added, it makes nethack lock up or act strangely sometimes, and in other times it just works perfectly as it should be (the hack i made as just add a menu entry and made it return the command 'D', praying that everything was implemented everywhere else, but there are some black spots remaining), thats why i'll be trying to fix those first, iron these hard edges (if i can***) and then move on to the improvements...

*** keep in mind that i'm NO C coder (i know basic c, the syntax, how stuff moves and works and compiles, some pointer magic, and that's it, i'm fond of python and random esotheric scripting languages in un*x but that's it), think of me as a very motivated person, that gets angry with stuff missing and tries to fix it himself
(i have a patch applied to XMMS, for the record, did it in the same stroke of passion , strangely it got accepted as a 'very well written patch' AHAHAH , go figure! :P)

ps: can you try the 'Drop (Types)' option extensively and report me your findings? like, ways to crash it and make funny things appear on the screen.... btw start the game as ROGUE as you'll have plenty of daggers, then use Drop (Types) and try to drop 3 or 4 of them on the ground (you'll have to select daggers with SELECT and then input the quantity with +-, if you just use the quantity without selecting it won't get dropped if the cursor is on other item....)

thanks for the interest, i love nethack and am doing my trial to get myself/ourselves a nethack port that can really give me/us a (more complete) run for its money :P
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Well, i have some bad news!

the file i posted earlier was built with a cross-compiler build script (oopo's) i've used on my Debian linux install (no esotheric patches, no nothing) and apparently it's spitting bad code (the earlier build is segfaulting and locking up on random points, even without touching on the part i've modified the game hangs, i got sure of it when it locked up when inputting my name (the first thing on the game!)).

strangely, my simple game (something i'm doing to learn C and SDL, a mini SNAKE game) compiles properly, but it's single file, some hundred lines (OR nethack depends on some feature missing from my cross-compiler setup or whatnot)

Now the good news! B)

this is the new build (a proper, stable build on the devkitgp2x precompiled kit for win32) + proper release material (modification warning + changelog) , it's stable and plays just like the original.


ps: yeah, for release 01 there's only a small change, but for me it already changes that port from unplayable (even with all the bells and whistles) to perfectly ascendable! i'm still reading all the source code, learning the internal organization of the nethack source, so it'll take me a while to do something more, i think.

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