Certified Guru
Me too, it's more to do with understanding the coder's philosophy. If you know how he's laid out his program code you will know where to look for certain things (in particular, what you need to port) but it varies from project to project massively. That's why it's always cool to see projects like ScummVM where the platform-specific backend is split entirely from the rest of the code *
* except it wasn't for the GP32 thanks to a buggy initial port by mr. ph0x that the ScummVM team refused to accept ... and it involved tons of work - maybe bad example. This footnote is just to cover my ass when DJWillis reads this and bubbles with rage at my summarising of the port as easy
I'm sure it wasn't...
* except it wasn't for the GP32 thanks to a buggy initial port by mr. ph0x that the ScummVM team refused to accept ... and it involved tons of work - maybe bad example. This footnote is just to cover my ass when DJWillis reads this and bubbles with rage at my summarising of the port as easy