Ds's Wireless


Aug 25, 2003
san fran
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I'm a bit confused about the Ds's wireless function. Lets say me and a friend were in a car and we wanted to play eachother, would this work or do I need a wireless network already setup that the Ds connects to?
cool. btw, does anyone know how big (in sizes like 320x240) is the screen you play on (so, not both, but how big is the play screen, not the map, minigame, etc. screen?)
Read the Nintendo Ds Vs. Gp32 review in the reviews section. It tells the
screen size (it's the same for both) in there but I can't remember it.
I'm a bit confused about the Ds's wireless function. Lets say me and a friend were in a car and we wanted to play eachother, would this work or do I need a wireless network already setup that the Ds connects to?
You could play him just like that, but some games will also use wireless online play, for that you would need to be somewhere with a wifi network. Then you can play anyone around the world :D
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256x196 I think...
its so damn small
and not many games will be one cart only.. and not many are now ( just 2 I think...
DS is just a " because we can " system, its really kinda dumb

Everyone is entitled to their opinion... mine runs along the lines of

"It looks like a Game & Watch, HOW COOL IS THAT?"
Oct is very anti-DS, not news, but on the other hand it is a "because we can" but in this case it's not so much a bad thing when the "can" in this case is "...can innovate".

They've made a serious attempt to put in a bunch of alternative methods of input into one device (ie, voice, touch, multi screen information, wifi and eventually internet multiplayer).

The screen is the size stated, which is larger than the GBA's screen (unfortunatly they dont bump the GBA games up a little more but atleast the native games have a larger screen).
Thanks for the relplies people. I can't wait to play my mates during class and send them messages and such; Yay! :P Btw Octavious just calm down the Ds bashing a bit, I know we are all intitled to our opinion but that doesn't mean bashing over the heads with it; We get it, you hate the DS and love the PSP. Whoop-de-do!