Ds Lite Is A Big Hit


"Nobody's gay for Moleman"
Dec 13, 2004
Disclaimer, i am not a Nintendo Fanboy, Sony Fanboy, Microsoft Fanboy.

With that said.


Good news for Ninty though i do not agree one bit with it. Though I'm glad to see Nintendo making money, i just don't agree with a design change so early in the DS's life. needed or not. Which leads me to the same question I already asked, is nintendo hard up for money? is Revo developent and research cost more than they expected? Are they trying to make a nest egg just in case the revo flops? Am i the new codeninja?

As with the original gameboy, had that, gameboy pocket, gameboy color, and the Advanced having the original, SP, and micro, i guess we can expect at least 1 more re-design for the DS. But again, I never expected the first redesign just a year and a half from its launch. It has been a year and a half right? :unsure:
Angel posted on Mar 2 2006 at 02:28 PM said:
Disclaimer, i am not a Nintendo Fanboy, Sony Fanboy, Microsoft Fanboy.

With that said.


Good news for Ninty though i do not agree one bit with it. Though I'm glad to see Nintendo making money, i just don't agree with a design change so early in the DS's life. needed or not. Which leads me to the same question I already asked, is nintendo hard up for money? is Revo developent and research cost more than they expected? Are they trying to make a nest egg just in case the revo flops? Am i the new codeninja?

As with the original gameboy, had that, gameboy pocket, gameboy color, and the Advanced having the original, SP, and micro, i guess we can expect at least 1 more re-design for the DS. But again, I never expected the first redesign just a year and a half from its launch. It has been a year and a half right? :unsure:
Nintendo always do this with their handhelds.

the DS lite doesnt make your original DS defunct as much as a new iPod design doesnt make your old one defunct.

Whats wrong with improving things? Hopefully this way, they will also tap into new markets. ie- those bothered by aesthetics more than gameplay.
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Whats the problem with them changing deisgn all companies change there products all the time.

does the new design prevent games being played on the old design.. nope.. so wheres the problem?
god people, nothing is wrong with it as i stated, I never said that the redesign was "a problem" it just suprised me that it was this soon in the DS's life, though i don't agree with it, i just wanted to get other thoughts. I guess i'm a conspiracy theorist. The original Gameboy did not get a revamp the year after its release, and if i remember correctly, it wasn't a year and a half later that the GBA SP came out.

Knowing that people will buy a revamp regardless if they have the orginal or not, knowing that the Revo should be released sometime this year, i just think its a bit odd that a redesign is already being released this early in the DS's life.
The original DS brick was a terrible design IMO. I have one and never liked it. Nintendo realized it was poor as well so they fixed it, just like MS fixed the original bad "pumpkin controller" on the Xbox.
I'm indifferent to the original design. I'm not really a form-over-function kind of guy, though if you can do both then go for it. I gotta say, though, that the new DS sure is sexy lookin. They got the function down already, and now they're making it beautiful.
I can not understand why the DS should be smaller. FINALLY a handheld fits into my grubby paws...

Nintendo has a lot of strange ideas, including the Crystal Chronicles "only with GBA" Multiplayer Mode and loads of different designs for basically the same unit.... but I still hope they'll sell well. If the market allows for a rapid redesign, then why not go for it? I sure as hell don't need a new one, but more power to those who do.... or think they do.
Well, glad for them, I like the ds and Nintendo has overal made some nice products and gave me plenty of entertainment. :)

Some people though the DS was too heavy and too big, and the ds was nearly out of print, so why not reprent it with a smaller and lighter layout? :P
I love my original DS for the most part. Its a tiny bit too big to fit in my pocket though. Jacket pocket works fine of course, but not in the summer. The weight is fine. Im going to buy a Lite just because its smaller, and retains the same screen size. The extra battery life and weight are a plus.

I think its obvious that one of the main reasons for the redesign was the release of the revolution. The design takes after the look of the controller. They wanted to make a stronger bond between the two systems. Since the DS is doing so well, it will also help to bring the revo into the spotlight.
Actually, Im too busy playing a game to realize the design of the handheld, unless its like the micro, where I cant see the screen, so I stop to notice how crappily small it is.