Drsms V3 Released


Certified Guru
Nov 26, 2006
Hampshire, UK

I've updated my DrSMS port for the Caanoo.

For those of you who do not know what DrSMS is, its a Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear emulator, the download is below.



DrZ80 fixes for SET (HL) and RES (HL) opcodes, they were not using memory handler and so breaking memory paging in some games ( fixes Shining Force 2 and others )

Interrupt code re-worked. Fixes lots and lots of Games.

You can now redefine your keys. Go to the SMS or GG option screen and use the Define Keys option. You then save these new settings as your default for all games, or set them just for the current game...just use the "Save Global Settings" or "Save Settings For Current Game" option.

Installation Instructions

Extract the contents of the release zip file to the apps directory on your SD card.
Copy your zipped or unzipped SMS/GG roms anywhere you want on the SD card..just remember where you put them.

DrSMS should now appear on your Caanoo APPS menu, select it to launch it.

The menu is pretty straight forward, just go to the SMS or GG rom select option.
Browse to where you stored your roms and select the game you want.

Default In Game Keys ( you can redefine the SMS ones now but quick save/load & menu are not changeable)

X = SMS Button 1
B = SMS Button 2
I - SMS Pause Button / GG Start Button
L - Quick Load
R - Quick Save
Home - Enter Menu

Thats about it, just leave a post here if you get stuck and someone will help you.

P.S Thanks to whoever created the new skin, I downloaded it but can not find where I downloaded it from or who created it...

A game where you get to fly planes and fight on Playstation 3. That you could have at least 2 or more people playing without internet. What i mean today is that you get to fight with F-22 Raptors and such. Please put the name of the game.

ipad 2 cases
There's still a graphical glitch in gunstar heroes for gg where your character disappears when moving right.
Couple quick notes.

Psycho Fox for SMS doesn't work at times, sometimes doesn't work at all. When it does the pause menu freezes the game.

Golden Axe Warrior for SMS freezes as well,

other than that it plays great. Played Lord of the Sword and it worked flawlessly.

I second the TV Out vote, that'd be cool to have for the future :)
qbertaddict said:
Any chance of getting tvout to work with this?

The usual Gmenu2X workaround will get you TV out. It'll lock up on exit though if 'Don't Leave' isn't turned on for it.
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someoneElse said:
qbertaddict said:
Any chance of getting tvout to work with this?

The usual Gmenu2X workaround will get you TV out. It'll lock up on exit though if 'Don't Leave' isn't turned on for it.
Hmmmm I thought I tried that once and it didn't work. Let me try again
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