Drsms V1 Released


Certified Guru
Nov 26, 2006
Hampshire, UK
NOTE: This release is now old, see V2 release



I've ported DrSMS to the Caanoo. DrSMS is a Sega Master System and Sega Game Gear emulator, the download is below.


Installation Instructions

Extract the contents of the release zip file to the apps directory on your SD card.
Copy your zipped or unzipped SMS/GG roms anywhere you want on the SD card..just remember where you put them.

DrSMS should now appear on your Caanoo APPS menu, select it to launch it.

The menu is pretty straight forward, just go to the SMS or GG rom select option.
Browse to where you stored your roms and select the game you want.

In Game Keys

X = SMS Button 1
B = SMS Button 2
I - SMS Pause Button / GG Start Button
L - Quick Load
R - Quick Save
Home - Enter Menu

Thats about it, just leave a post here if you get stuck and someone will help you.

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A big big big big thank ! I tried some SMS games which weren't run fine in sdl, everything's ok here :)

I didn't try gg yet.
Thank you so much. Great emulator. Been playing Game Gear games on it. Fatal Fury Special is amazing. Everyone should give it a try.
Can anyone confirm for me that Y's doesn't work.

Its the only roms that doesn't work for me, (doesn't work on Picodrive either... :( )
The emulator is great but it doesnt work with tvout. If using in gmenu2x with browser is just goes straight to the drsms menu which is gargled because of the tvout issue. Picodrive has this issue as well. Still its a great emulator thanks sooooo much
Reesy, could you port this emu to GP2X? I know there is a good sms emu available but it would be nice to have another one, especially since your megadrive emu was one of the best until picodrive showed up.
RetroVortex said:
Can anyone confirm for me that Y's doesn't work.

Its the only roms that doesn't work for me, (doesn't work on Picodrive either... :( )

I'll try tonight. I've got some little strange things in sounds. For example on Fire & Forget 2, there is a constant "bip" which happily is only earable when there is no music.
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Just wondering if save state is working properly as I`ve saved Ninja Gaiden and Sonic Chaos then I went to load them and they was gone?

Any ideas cheers ;)
ruffnutts said:
Just wondering if save state is working properly as I`ve saved Ninja Gaiden and Sonic Chaos then I went to load them and they was gone?

Any ideas cheers ;)

did you use the shoulder buttons for this? I had the same problem but then I realised you have to save your states in the menu option for them to stick
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I noticed the same thing. I suppose that shoulder buttons are "temp savestates" just to make you to be able to start again and again and again quickly a tricky moment in the game for example, whereas savestates in the menu are here to save where you are before you turn off the game.
I've been having problems with deadzones on this emulator. When I play Puzzle Bubble for example the controls are so messed up that the game becomes unplayable. Any advice on this?
The bugger who wrote it really needs to add a menu option to allow us to configure the dead zone....wait thats me..I'll add this and make another release probably won't be until next weekend though.
OK thats fine. As long as its more of a problem with the software and not the hardware. I've only had my Caanoo for two months and I would hate to start having problems with it already.
Yoshi Dragon said:
Only the GG exclusives Defenders of Oasis and Shining Force II: Sword of Hajya do not work from what I have tested so far.
Reesy said:
The bugger who wrote it really needs to add a menu option to allow us to configure the dead zone....wait thats me..I'll add this and make another release probably won't be until next weekend though.
Any chance to get those GG titles to work in the next release ?

Thanks a lot
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