Running the pyra os (debian) on nand on pandora means emdebian, effort in providing that is needed maybe when its a better option, which is to say more in tune with the needs and the packages of the pandora community, and with that said, there is insufficient space for deb extentions to said nand, unless you run only the kernel from there and everything else off SD, or some variant thereof.
Maybe thats better performance, but in any event, running off SDs is long term, and the NAND will eventually run out, so debian on SD for pandora is sustainable and maintainable. Its very tangible because it already exists in the form of pandian.
Remove pnds from the equation and you are left with only inconveniences of porting them, which you end up doing anyhow, plus said problem of running debs on removable storage.
You could install at runtime, never turn off, load to ram, etc etc. Check out which now has an arm build for the pi.
I think debian and the familiarity and trust/userbase that goes with that sells more units than tinycore, but what this all alludes to is, port pnds to debs is effort that turns out for the better in any event. Thats a good place to start if others are figuring out how best to solve the missing pieces to the puzzle. Pnds have some benefits, but also many drawbacks.
Running debian on SD on pandora works fine, having a working debian on nand for pyra means you no longer have to worry about ext4 support for people running windows. If need be, make the boot partition bigger and fat32 and put deb files there if you want a offline solution.
Content consumption on the actual device is the future. The "i like to think of my linux machine as a console" is selling the whole thing very short. Its a computer, use it to its capability.
There is already a repo, just need to chase down the source-code to the pnds, license, build requirements and start compiling. Once thats done, and it needs to be done in some way sooner or later anyhow, its available as armhf on pandora, at which point a performance benefit of running an outdated supersaxxon on nand with softfloat not updated pnds is minute if any.
TL;DR looks like me salespitching debian, but if everything is kept stock its a system my mother can use. If you exceed the needs of a novice you are more apt to tackling the issues you face running out of nand.
Edit: the modular emmc from is glorious

R 2 getting pnds to work on the new system, and getting proposed alterations to work on the pandora is the problem. Future proof, backwards compatible, etc, debian debian debian, all places, smooth into it, starting now.