What does this do again?
Hello All,
This really is a long shot and I'm guessing I already know the answer...
Does anyone know if you can alter/adapt the savestaes from the SMS emulator "mekaw" so they can be used with DrMDx? (Are you listening Reesy ?
Looking at the files I can see they're very different but on the off chance I can contine my game of Wonder Boy 3 (in Monsterland) on the train I thought I'd ask.
It's an SMS game and one that I can actually play quite well
Should it be that I have to start again, so be it
Edit... Just found this MekaW News, second item down states that it's just gone open source!
Guessing this means I should be able to read how the savestates are made..
Thanks for you time!
This really is a long shot and I'm guessing I already know the answer...
Does anyone know if you can alter/adapt the savestaes from the SMS emulator "mekaw" so they can be used with DrMDx? (Are you listening Reesy ?
Looking at the files I can see they're very different but on the off chance I can contine my game of Wonder Boy 3 (in Monsterland) on the train I thought I'd ask.
It's an SMS game and one that I can actually play quite well
Should it be that I have to start again, so be it
Edit... Just found this MekaW News, second item down states that it's just gone open source!
Guessing this means I should be able to read how the savestates are made..
Thanks for you time!