Dreamcast 2 Petition. Really? Why?

While Shen Mue are certainly stand out titles, for me personally the Saturn's library would be far more interesting. The Panzer Dragoons, Manx TT, Three Dirty Dwarves (which some bastard stole from me at school), Shining Series, Guardian Heroes, the many Shoot'em'ups are very tempting. Especially if old Japan-only titles like Dragon Force II could be translated and included in a re-release.
Both of those consoles are tricky to emulate on cheap ARM chips, which is what Nintendo's using in it's mini classic products. You'd have to put in a much more powerful chip, and emulating the graphics subsystems alone of those consoles is more complex than coping with the SNES' 7 graphics modes.

I'd expect to see a mini N64 before we ever see a mini Saturn. The N64's got almost as complicated a graphics system, but HLE emulation of that by the open source community has come a long way.
You would assume that the original creator of a device would be able to create a new device that is cheaper then expected. Sega has all the designs and knowledge and can make good choices to select the optimal already available hardware.
I would also assume this hardware would be a more expensive then a (S)NES that is already available.
I've seen NullDC run quite okay on a Intel Atom Z3740 (Asus Transformer T100) and Reicast on an nVidia Shield and those are not optimized (or endorsed) by Sega.
I doubt Sega has that much experience any more given they're just a publishing house now. Most of their software and hardware guys are going to be long gone.

How well does Reicast run on the Shield? Would you say it's good enough for a saleable product? I guess it shows something can be done, although the Sheild is a different class of product from the Mini classic line, and hasn't proven to be nearly as saleable at that price. But with a smart case on and Sega branding, who knows? It hasn't done that well for the Genesis 3 and all of those DTV units, but on the coat tails of Nintendo's success, it might work.
I wouldn't recommend it but it appears to work for some games:

If you already can do this with available hardware you could make this console, the only real challenge would be the price.
Not bad. Shame both Shenmue's are a bit of a mess, but it's impressive how many less famous games actually run well. Shame also about Project Justice, but apart from those, most games seem to run.

Also, I dunno if that Daytona translation was in any way official, but the commentator doesn't sound very AM2!
It's possible, ptitseb has access to the source, the Android version is plagued by well the overhead of Android and it hasn't been updated in ages.