Mega GP Mania
I re-creating the this thread in the correct spot.
Dobox build's 0.70 and my build of 0.72 are showing this error. Ive had to happen to me in both. I can not isolate the problem. It might have something to do with glib.
Im using the open2x toolchain with prebuilt libs + a newer SDL lib with touch screen support added.
There are no errors in my compilation.
: error while loading shared libraries: cannot create search path array: Cannot allocate memory
Here is my configure command (I have tried without any of the optimization flags):
./configure --host=arm-open2x-linux --target=arm-open2x-linux --build=`uname -m` CPPFLAGS="-I$GP2XDEV/arm-open2x-linux/include" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -funswitch-loops" LDFLAGS="-static -L$GP2XDEV/arm-open2x-linux/lib"
This is difficult, Ive proven that the application code isnt being executed. I cant figure out for the life of me why these errors are occuring.
I really need help on this one.
Dobox build's 0.70 and my build of 0.72 are showing this error. Ive had to happen to me in both. I can not isolate the problem. It might have something to do with glib.
Im using the open2x toolchain with prebuilt libs + a newer SDL lib with touch screen support added.
There are no errors in my compilation.
: error while loading shared libraries: cannot create search path array: Cannot allocate memory
Here is my configure command (I have tried without any of the optimization flags):
./configure --host=arm-open2x-linux --target=arm-open2x-linux --build=`uname -m` CPPFLAGS="-I$GP2XDEV/arm-open2x-linux/include" CXXFLAGS="-O3 -fmerge-all-constants -ffast-math -funswitch-loops" LDFLAGS="-static -L$GP2XDEV/arm-open2x-linux/lib"
This is difficult, Ive proven that the application code isnt being executed. I cant figure out for the life of me why these errors are occuring.
I really need help on this one.