GP2X Open2x Libs Problems/suggestions


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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I had to manually select to compile version SDL 1.2.13, not a big deal.
I had to add --enable-cdrom, without this causes dosbox to quit (i havnt confirmed that this fixes the issue yet)

Then using the default build script libxml2 fails, I been able to kepp building libs commenting out the line below:
#TARGETS += $(PREFIX)/lib/libxml2.a

Here the error for libxml2:

configure: error: cannot find sources (entities.c) in . or ..
make: *** [/opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/lib/libxml2.a] Error 1'

sdlmixer is broke too, extra arm-open2x-linux for some reason :
grep: /opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/arm-open2x-linux/arm-open2x-linux/lib/ No such file or directory

Another thing in general that drives me nuts is that the libs are installed in 'prefix' and not 'prefix'/'target'
It's all in a big state of flux right now. Orkie has his hands full with putting together a Open2X firmware test release and DJWillis is busy in Pandora-land. I just got Internet about an hour ago and might not have it for long. You don't really need to build all those libraries, there's probably a way to limit the targets to just SDL. I use a hacked-up makefile of my own.
Orkie said:
Is this 'libs'? You should be using 'libs-new' from SVN if that is the case.

I was in the wrong one, I will pull down the libs-new, what s the point though of having 2 different locations for the same libraries?
Senor Quack said:
Here is a prebuilt binary release of SDL 1.2.13 with USB keyboard support and the improved touchscreen stuff I did:

Thanks, im going to give building the right ones a shot, if all else fails I wil just use yours.
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Orkie said:
They aren't the same, libs-new is newer :D .

:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

You get what i mean, if we are going to use libs-new versus libs then just drop it from the SVN.
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Ok ive built all of the libs in libs-new successfully.
There are some minor issues:

1. The install location is the same as before 'prefix' and not 'prefix'/'target'
2. imlib requires libjpeg, but it doesnt build libjpeg first. I worked around this by manually building libjpeg and then restarting the regular world build.
3. For dosbox SDL needs to have cdrom support compilied in, just add --enable-cdrom to the makefile

Issue with adding cdrom support with version 1.2.13 of SDL:

/opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/lib/ undefined reference to `SDL_SYS_CDInit'
/opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/lib/ undefined reference to `SDL_SYS_CDQuit'

Which is strange since it worked with the lib (old), Ive looked at the code and I dont see why its undefined. SDL compiles fine by itself, but fails when compiled building SDL-ttf.

Update: I dont know what I did differently but it appears the TTF library finally linked with SDL and so did dosbox. Strange.

Update #2 ARGH, it links but is missing the cdrom support, this is killing me. I could really use some help.
Using prefix to install is standard behaviour for autotools, try it on your PC. I am fixing the imlib and CD-ROM stuff though.
Orkie said:
Using prefix to install is standard behaviour for autotools, try it on your PC.

So should i be leaving everything in prefix? Is it incorrect to put it under arm-open2x-linux?

Orkie said:
I am fixing the imlib and CD-ROM stuff though.

oh thanks a bunch, can you let me know when you think you have the cdrom stuff fixed so i can test it?
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Sure, I don't know how long it'll take though given how much I have on at the moment :S.

I put all my stuff in /opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6.
well i think I got everything to work. I pretty much reset up my linux development setup. All of the libs built even with the cdrom support with SDL. I tested usb keyboard support and it works, well the keys didnt match what came out in dosbox, but something came out :D I hope its just a thing with the mapper.txt.
Did you have to do anything special to get SDL compiling with CD support?

EDIT:Nevermind, got it to work on my build now. I am just committing to SVN stuff that fixes all of the problems you found :).
Orkie said:
Did you have to do anything special to get SDL compiling with CD support?

EDIT:Nevermind, got it to work on my build now. I am just committing to SVN stuff that fixes all of the problems you found :) .
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I'm trying to compile open2x libs-new. trying to list my problems here as well
must install bison and flex first-can the script check for this before compilation?
toolchain-new installs into /opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/arm-open2x-linux but libs-new script expects toolchain to be at /opt/open2x/gcc-4.1.1-glibc-2.3.6/ ?
The makefile in libs-new should have libogg before libflac as libflac requirs ogg.h?