GP2X Dosbox Blast! 2.0 - A New Version Of Dosbox Config Wizard


Active Member
Jul 29, 2007
Poland & UK // Currently: Ipswich
Because i've been slightly frustrated with OSD dosbox key bind, and my old app [ dosbox blast! ] wasnt compatible with new dosbox builds [ made by Pickle and co. ], i've completely rewritten DosBox Blast! from scratch. This time it will be a lot easier [ i think ] for beginners.

Here some screens:

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StreaK said:
Because i've been slightly frustrated with OSD dosbox key bind, and my old app [ dosbox blast! ] wasnt compatible with new dosbox builds [ made by Pickle and co. ], i've completely rewritten DosBox Blast! from scratch. This time it will be a lot easier [ i think ] for beginners.
Cool, glad to see you got a new version out. Hopefully it will get some others to use dosbox more.
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looks interesting. :)
is it possible to search and select the directories (paths) via menu or have we write the path per hand in?

Oh, if there will be a Pandora Dosbox, please include such a nice Tool per default, so Users will have a much more easy start with Dosbox. \^_\^
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'Pickle' said:
Cool, glad to see you got a new version out. Hopefully it will get some others to use dosbox more.
Yeah, i hope that more people will use it too. Yesterday i've completely sucked-in when i played on dosbox in Franko PC version on gp2x :)


Heres almost final beta:

Hope you like it..
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'fusion_power' said:
looks interesting. :)
is it possible to search and select the directories (paths) via menu or have we write the path per hand in?

Oh, if there will be a Pandora Dosbox, please include such a nice Tool per default, so Users will have a much more easy start with Dosbox. \^_\^
For pandora we could port and X based frontend.

Ok i ran through it.
Mortal Kombat 2? Hah, like that would ever run on the gp2x in dosbox. :-P

Some observations:
Should i be to continue to the next page if I dont enter any info like paths, exe?
Make CPU core dynamic by default?
Should there be a cancel button on the keyboard selection window?
Should the non-key types be on the keyboard as selectable items? You have hand_g2virtkey did you type that in manually?
The virtual keyboard needs to have keys mapped also, if you dont append it then the VK wont work. I should have included an example in the last release.
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'Pickle' said:
1 Should i be to continue to the next page if I dont enter any info like paths, exe?
2 Make CPU core dynamic by default?
3 Should there be a cancel button on the keyboard selection window?
4 Should the non-key types be on the keyboard as selectable items? You have hand_g2virtkey did you type that in manually?
5 The virtual keyboard needs to have keys mapped also, if you dont append it then the VK wont work. I should have included an example in the last release.
1. yes, ill add some checkroutine before jumping to next tab
2. ok, but isnt it better to stay with simple? your opinion?
3. yes, i forgot about it in first rel and in this aswell :0 hehe
4. ill add these non-key types
5. i couldnt find it
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'StreaK' said:
'Pickle' said:
1 Should i be to continue to the next page if I dont enter any info like paths, exe?
2 Make CPU core dynamic by default?
3 Should there be a cancel button on the keyboard selection window?
4 Should the non-key types be on the keyboard as selectable items? You have hand_g2virtkey did you type that in manually?
5 The virtual keyboard needs to have keys mapped also, if you dont append it then the VK wont work. I should have included an example in the last release.
1. yes, ill add some checkroutine before jumping to next tab
2. ok, but isnt it better to stay with simple? your opinion?
3. yes, i forgot about it in first rel and in this aswell :0 hehe
4. ill add these non-key types
5. i couldnt find it

2: dynamic is faster, and is pretty stable. If you used simple dosbox will work harder.
5: hmm, I know it has to be there in the default mapper. I qill look later.
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'Pickle' said:
1. Should i be to continue to the next page if I dont enter any info like paths, exe?
2. Make CPU core dynamic by default?
3. Should there be a cancel button on the keyboard selection window?
4. Should the non-key types be on the keyboard as selectable items? You have hand_g2virtkey did you type that in manually?
5. The virtual keyboard needs to have keys mapped also, if you dont append it then the VK wont work. I should have included an example in the last release.
1. Corrected.
2. Done
3. Corrected
4. Done [ but not all non-key types added, only most usefull ]
5. In next release.






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