Doom Wads


Still Fresh
May 16, 2003
Is any of the DOOM WADS a complete game ? or they are only demos of the first level ?? I mean 'Golden eye' and Half Life are beutiful bat I can't escape the first level......
Also I can't find the Alien WAD... any help ?
Why don't you distribute it in PWADS?
It's much more convenient because you can put all pwads you want on only one SMC and rename them as you want.
And distribute Doom 1 FULL isn't legal you know!
Since there is a way not to distribute warez, do it!
The version of Golden Eye I have and My Half Life work very well because I debugged it and it's in PWADS so very much better! :D
tix posted on Feb 27 2004 at 07:55 AM said:
I mean 'Golden eye' and Half Life are beutiful bat I can't escape the first level......
Also I can't find the Alien WAD... any help ?
I can get past the First Level...........
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yeh. I was working in PWADS originally. Then everybody starting bugging me to do an "all in one". So I start doing an "all in one", I could go back to the PWAD, its just annoying to go through some of the hassle I've already encountered. I guess that old saying: "you can only please some of the people, some of the time" applies.

Anyway the first episode is Knee Deep, the second is Aliens and the third is a bonus level. I have no idea if its legit, (probably means all those other "all in ones" are illegal too) all I know is its better than the original PWAD.

At the moment, in between having the blaster worm, setting up a tournament on Desert Combat and doing a Drum and Bass record site, theres not much time at the mo for Aliens. :(

On a side note, I have a stargate wad that works (doesnt need anything done to it). If anyone wants it, I'll put a page up for it soon.
I assure you that people don't want an"all-in-one" because :

- Filesize is higher
- You can only put ONE TC on ONE smc at once.
- Distribute Commercial Doom is illegal even though you don't.

I don't see why people would want an "all-in-one" but if you said that... you must be right! :D

Good luck in your work! ;)
Drumaster, just running this one past you....

If I finished the wad as an IWAD then went back and stripped out all the Doom specific level information and just had the alien stuff, saving as a PWAD. Would this work? I can see your point, I just don't want to double the workload. I'm using XWE and Wintex for editing if that helps. This would give people both options (?)

I vaguely remember saving an IWAD as a PWAD once and it kindof worked :blink:
Thanks a lot! I love the GP32 community. How big is the file?? Does it work with Doom 1 or Doom 2?? Either way thanks for doing that. :D I still have some things to do on later levels. Since certain objects are in places they shouldn't be.

If its not too big (3 to 5MB) then email to james@nospamGAWCOTT.COM (remove nospam) and I'll put it on the page.

You can also put it on your page, since your site is probably more widely known for wads in general.
Here is your PWAD guy that work only with DOOM 1 FULL (not with shareware but I could make it work if you really would) :

I think you should remove the first episode because it isn't worth playing because it's the first episode of Doom 1 and only sound are changed.

Please download it quickly because I'll remove it from the server 'cause I don't think it's a good tc due to the lack of original textures and weapons... ;)
You can delete it off your server now.

The first episode has the aliens and facehuggers in it. Plus the weapons are different. I was thinking of changing the name from the colonists back to Knee Deep in the Dead so its less confusing.

There is a fairly significant difference between this and the original PWAD. The other one had candlesticks instead over hanging lights, as well as all the floor textures replaced with Doom ones amongst other things wrong with it.

Fair enough if you think its crappy, but then the original PWAD played on GP32 was far worse than it is now.