Doom .wad's

Lord Namsu

Jul 11, 2003
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I haven't tried Doom on my Gp32 yet but i think I will now, but before I do I have a quick question.
I know that you can use the shareware wad file or the retail etc. but I can someone tell me if the wad file I use makes any difference to the game, e.g. If I use the shareware wad then do I only get the Shareware version of the game?
The WAD files contain the levels. So yes, the WAD file from the shareware version only has the shareware levels.
I don't know if this is against the rules here on the forum but I'm downloading a doom.wad from kazaa and its 12 megs, the wad in the download section here is 1.75 megs. anyone know whats going on?
Lord Namsu posted on Aug 11 2003 said:
I don't know if this is against the rules here on the forum but I'm downloading a doom.wad from kazaa and its 12 megs, the wad in the download section here is 1.75 megs. anyone know whats going on?
The wad in kazza is the illegal full/commercial version, the one here is shareware.
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The shareware wad only has the first episode and the first five weapons.
The wolf3d shareware files only have the first episode as well.
well, if you can find it there is a free doom wad that is called chex quest :P its pretty stooooooopid but it was my first first person shooter :unsure: but all of the colors look REALLY nice on the gp32 ;)

it was a game that they put in chex cerial :lol:

to install it just rename it doom.wad and put it in the gp:\game\doom folder :D it sounds really dumb but it is quite fun :)
Is Chex Quest legal to give away? If it is, can you plz send it to me ( If it isn't I am very sorry and won't ask anymore.
Chex quest is free and awesome. The first episode came free in a cerial box, the rest are online free. If you goto Doomworld you will find alot of doom mods that would be cool on gp32.
unlucky posted on Aug 11 2003 said:
what other custom .wads can be used???? i can remember a simpsons rip off .wad + all sorts
yeah i downloaded the simpsons one but i cant run it on my comp (sum dll missing). Does anyone know if the simpsons one could work? and if it can, which wad should u use? theres several in the zip.
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yeah, chex quest is free (unless you can find 5+ year old cerial :lol: ), i had it bookmarked but my bookmarks got deleted :( and i can't find it, but if i do (i will be looking) find it i will post a link.

NOTE:you must name the chex.wad, doom.wad (craig, could we have chex quest support???)