Doom Wad's


Mar 18, 2005
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Whilst trying out the new Simpson's wad for Doom, I thought I would give the Starwars, Duke Nukem and Western wad's a go too. My problem is that Starwars is stuck on loading... after selecting the difficulty level. Has anybody got this wad working? Also, the Western wad doesn't seem to be recognised. I've left as the default Doom2.wad and also renamed to Western.wad but I can't get this wad to work. Am I doing anything wrong?

KickinWing posted on May 5 2005 at 12:50 AM said:
yes but i don't remember what. Western worked fine for me, Star wars never worked for me.

Tried a different wad for Western (slightly smaller in size) from the author's site (I think). Also downloaded Half Life, Quake and Twilight but none are shown :(. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Helppppp...

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I`ve not messed around with doom much, But some wad`s are doom 1 wad`s and need the main doom 1 wad, Others are doom 2 wad`s and need the main doom 2 wad, Not sure which require which though.

Just an idea, In case you never knew.

I've got both of the official wads, Doom.wad and Doom2.wad. Tried them both but no extra wad's :(. Not sure what I'm missing.

some wads have to be renamed to doom.wad / doom2.wad, like western wad. starwars should work fine as a extra wad. oh and gues what, its all in the manual/forum.
And don't mess up PWADs with WADs.

WADs usually don't need another WAD (neither doom.wad nor doom2.wad), whereas PWADs are only changes to existing WADs. They need the parent-WAD-File (usually doom2 or doom).
Thanks guys :). You both hit the nail on the head. I was probably downloading from the first link (i.e WAD rather than PWAD) and when I checked the readme, because it wasn't in English (at the top of the page), I exited rather than scrolling to the bottom. I feel so stupid :(. Western is working fine now (love the game) and I'll download the other's later (and read the readme ;) ). Thanks again.

GA01 posted on May 4 2005 at 10:26 PM said:

Whilst trying out the new Simpson's wad for Doom, I thought I would give the Starwars, Duke Nukem and Western wad's a go too. My problem is that Starwars is stuck on loading... after selecting the difficulty level. Has anybody got this wad working? Also, the Western wad doesn't seem to be recognised. I've left as the default Doom2.wad and also renamed to Western.wad but I can't get this wad to work. Am I doing anything wrong?


Both work fine for me with GPDoom V10 Rev3 and I think you need the full version of doom 2 (Doom2.wad), I also use Ultimate Doom as my Doom1 (DoomU.wad) Dont know if this makes a difference.

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Both work fine for me with GPDoom V10 Rev3 and I think you need the full version of doom 2 (Doom2.wad), I also use Ultimate Doom as my Doom1 (DoomU.wad) Dont know if this makes a difference.


Thanks Steve :)

I've got both the original Doom.wad and Doom2.wad. Western is now working but I still can't get QuakeGP, Twilight and Half Life to show up in the list. Unfortunately, there was no readme's for two of them. Can anyone get this bunch to work?

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GA01 posted on May 5 2005 at 08:17 AM said:
Both work fine for me with GPDoom V10 Rev3 and I think you need the full version of doom 2 (Doom2.wad), I also use Ultimate Doom as my Doom1 (DoomU.wad) Dont know if this makes a difference.


Thanks Steve :)

I've got both the original Doom.wad and Doom2.wad. Western is now working but I still can't get QuakeGP, Twilight and Half Life to show up in the list. Unfortunately, there was no readme's for two of them. Can anyone get this bunch to work?


Yes I have had them all working with the above settings. Use the newest Half life its a smaller file and is better.
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fitzsteve posted on May 5 2005 at 08:23 AM said:
GA01 posted on May 5 2005 at 08:17 AM said:
Both work fine for me with GPDoom V10 Rev3 and I think you need the full version of doom 2 (Doom2.wad), I also use Ultimate Doom as my Doom1 (DoomU.wad) Dont know if this makes a difference.


Thanks Steve :)

I've got both the original Doom.wad and Doom2.wad. Western is now working but I still can't get QuakeGP, Twilight and Half Life to show up in the list. Unfortunately, there was no readme's for two of them. Can anyone get this bunch to work?


Yes I have had them all working with the above settings. Use the newest Half life its a smaller file and is better.

Quake GP is a different game dosnt run through Doom, its stand alone you need the original quake .pak files.

Unless you mean the Quake 2 wad, this works with Doom.

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GA01 posted on May 5 2005 at 10:52 AM said:
Sorry, I meant the Quake wad under Doom. Did you download your wad's from the site mentioned?


I got all the wads off this site except simpsons and the Doomu.wad and Doom2.wad are from My Doom Collectors edition.

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I got all the wads off this site except simpsons and the Doomu.wad and Doom2.wad are from My Doom Collectors edition.


Ok, I'll download from here rather than the other site. Thanks for your help.

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I've downloaded the wad's from this site (Quake2.wad, Twilight.wad and HalfLife.wad) but I still can't get them to display in the list. What am I doing wrong? I have the original Doom and Doom2 wad's so I don't think I need anything else. I even downloaded Quake2.wad from Drumster's site also (link available in downloads) but still no success.

trooper posted on May 5 2005 at 08:26 PM said:
Are you copying them to the right folder ?.


Putting them all into the same folder.


Btw, Simpons, DukeNuke and Western are working.


EDIT: Trooper: You saw my other post, didn't you? :lol:. Please don't let it be a path problem again :unsure:.
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Oh well, I've run out of ideas :(. I've tried almost every pwad I can find and have even copied the Doom fxe (v10 TR3) onto the SMC again. Anyone?
