Doom, others install


Feb 16, 2003
This may sound dumb, but do I just download and install Doom to my GP32? Some people say you need the computer version to get the most out of it, but what does that mean? Can I just download the GP32 version and play? Is is that same for the other ports? (Quake, etc.)
what you downloaded s just like under windows the exe, so you need the gamefiles too, for Doom it is the doom.wad .
for Quake some .pak files i think...

so without these game files the game will not run.
Oh, I see, I think,....well, is there a place to download those files instead of buying the game? Thanks
so you want a direct download link to a warez copy of the game?

And your asking for it here?

What are you, an idiot?
Man, sorry, I was just asking, I don't know a lot about gaming, and the GP32 is new stuff to me. Just because it says I am an advanced member, don't mean I don't need any help, k?
you download it and put Doom.fxe into GPMM and then you put the .WAD files into the folder Doom in GAME where a folder should of been automatically created

you could buy the original game but that would be a bitch to find but you can also try ckoauzgaha, extract the hidden message, one word is cough :D
Its easy to find doom, its still widely available, same deal with wolf3d.

Buy it online from id, or go to a computer store.

I'm all for "abandonware", but only when it has truly been abandoned. Sorry if I was too harsh on you before =P