Doom On The I-pod


Still Fresh
Dec 18, 2005
I have just read that doom has been ported to the I-Pod, please someone port Doom for my GP2x. ( I do not have the skills to port the game myself)
Yes I do like Quake and have had fun getting it and running, but as I play Quake it just makes me want to play Doom more. And now you can play Doom on your Phone.
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I had Doom, not Doom RPG, well the first 9 levels on my Nokia 6600. It worked really well, and had full sound.
WildPalm made a port of this game for the Nokia 7650 a couple of years ago. Unfortunatly it appears that the game has now been removed from their site.

I had it on my phone for about a week, but it filled all of the available memory (damn 7650...). Still, it was pritty awsome to play for 30 seconds or so whilst you wait for your next pint in the pub.
With the Nokia 6600 you could put the game on a SD card and as long as you had the right files you could run the game from the card.
I would port Doom but I just haven't had time to do ANY coding whatsoever.
It really sucks. I should make time. To be honest I haven't compiled a single working program for the gp2x yet :P
I have doom on my phone.

It's the 2.5 year old Motorola A920.

You can pick one up for less then US$100 in Australia. (eBay)

In fact, I'm trying to get rid of mine now. Crappy thing is falling to peices and noone wants it for free.
The WildPalm doom is old and crappy. There is a newer doom port called c2doom. It uses the original WAD-files so you can play doom and doom2 with it.
It works on all s60 phones, like 3650, 6600, ngage etc...

I'm thinking about buying gp2x, but my ngage is a pretty decent for playing gbc/nes/c64/doom/etc at the moment... Port more stuff and I just might buy a gp2x ;)
I sold my NGage QD to pay for my Japan import PSP, I just got fed up with the small screen.
Already Posted!
Well this what I wrote a couple weeks ago... and even before me there would have been talk about it...
Well to bad that we use the search function to little...
And if you find anything interesting give us some sort of source as I did...

And at the wiki someone is working on it for the gp2x but the link is a bit strange though hope they realy mean what they've posted there.
Wiki - Works in progress
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