can't be longer than 2 months right?
ok i flashed once the new multifirmware with the european fw and so on in, and tranfering filz from gp32-pc worked ok with the euorpean fw, with pacrom and pc-link by mr.spiv i always got errors after 1024kb or so.
a few hours ago, my european fw didnt want to work good, too. all the time i got timeout errors but after the 9999x try i was able to transfer with some luck fw. bin from multifirmware v2 from mrspiv and fx.fxe.
i re-flashed my firmware to multifw2 which always worked fine since i can think. but, somehow this got always timeout errors now, too. what to do now? im maybe able to transfer with some luck up to 5mb files but nothing bigger. and i dont think its the firmware <_<
im using fireflys usb driver (i reinstalled it since i have this problems but didnt work), winxp and treid with hacked oc-link 1.2 and squidgelink, both always timeout errors!!
this really sux my sox, what the fucking heck can i do?? i dont have the mony for a 6in1 smc writer at this time, is there any other way to solve this problem?
im really tzhinking about aquafishs (or how was his name?) firmware, which might be fucked up, but now i have another fw and got the same problems.... wtfh can i do?
a few hours ago, my european fw didnt want to work good, too. all the time i got timeout errors but after the 9999x try i was able to transfer with some luck fw. bin from multifirmware v2 from mrspiv and fx.fxe.
i re-flashed my firmware to multifw2 which always worked fine since i can think. but, somehow this got always timeout errors now, too. what to do now? im maybe able to transfer with some luck up to 5mb files but nothing bigger. and i dont think its the firmware <_<
im using fireflys usb driver (i reinstalled it since i have this problems but didnt work), winxp and treid with hacked oc-link 1.2 and squidgelink, both always timeout errors!!
this really sux my sox, what the fucking heck can i do?? i dont have the mony for a 6in1 smc writer at this time, is there any other way to solve this problem?
im really tzhinking about aquafishs (or how was his name?) firmware, which might be fucked up, but now i have another fw and got the same problems.... wtfh can i do?