Does Pocket Snes Work?


Sep 19, 2004
Hi all ive just recieved my f200 can anyone get pocket snes to work as mine freezes on a black screen when selecting a rom.
yep sorry i did look for the compatibility thread but i missed it must be blind sorry all.
Right me again ive looked in the compatability thread and ive tried what people suggest in there like no sound, but i still have the same results arrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh help lol sorry guys
Try to reformat your card.

It worked fine for me, but I ran out of juice and the console crashed. I couldn't get it to load up again. I reformatted my SD card and it loaded up fine. I to have sound on @ 22050.
set the sound rate to 22k and overclock to 220Mhz - that should pretty much cure it and boot the games correctly.

if not - you may have to clock further or go all the way up to 44k bit rate - dont do that unless you have to tho or it will impact the performance alot.

Once you find the settings that work - save them as your defaults ;)

Incase it helps I also have RAM Timing: Craig and MMU Hack: ON

I honestly dont know what effect the above have but hey its all working good for me.
Cheers guys its working now. However can anyone get indy or the starwars games to run they keep haning on the title screen. If so what settings do you use cheers.
jeez guys get some avatars already. it's creepy :P

hanging games: try different versions of the roms before anything else.

ram timings: changes the timing of certain ram signals, sometimes lets you squeeze a little performance out. not aways stable. on my mk1 it would mess up sound when on, for certain programs.
mmu hack: basically doubles your ram. i don't see a a good reason not to have it on.