Does Movie Park


Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2003
Just got my GP32, thanks to b3ta and GBAx, and been looking for a decent movie player.
From what I here Movie Park is the one to get, but, being the skinflint that I am, I like to be sure of what I'm buying before forking out cash.

Does Movie Park support sound fully?
What's the quality like?
Is it worth a few quid?

Thanks, Andy.
Moviepark has full stereo sound.
The quality is very good, you can comfortably watch a complete movie using Moviepark. (it;s what I do when sitting in the train for hours.)
It's more than worth the money you're paying for it. It's pretty bloody cheap actually.
Well, I went to the Entware site, signed up, went to pay for the download... page cannot be displayed :(

So... what now?
The page works for me. Try to reload the page. "Page cannot be displayed" isn't that uncommon on the internet.
I've tried reloading several times, it's when I go to the "credit card" page, everything works fine up to there, then nothing.
Yeah, I tried to buy it using a credit card tonight also, but it isnt working, says page cannot be displayed. Anyone know why it's not working?
Try lowering your internet security settings and disabling your firewall
Could just be that the secure server is down, they usually fix these things within a day or so.
It saw at Entware website that the movies are encoded at 10 fps. Does it make the movie a little odd or the quality is good and you can't notice the low frame rate?
To fit a whole 2-hour movie on a 128MB smartmedia card, you have to compress it to within an inch of it's life, and yes, you do notice that it's running at less than 10FPS. But what the heck - it's the only way you're going to get a portable movie player short of forking out for one of those mini-DVD players.
But if GP32 was able to handle 512mb or bigger cards dos it have the power to get 25fps or more?
Can I encode a video at 30fps with 20min? It will work with moviepark ?
Well, still no luck from Entware, being the impatient person I am I decided to download GPMP3 text reader to try and get Gomwing's avi player to work, again, no success, any suggestions on getting that to work, at least until I can download Movie Park? Or am I doomed to watch movies in a stationary position?