Does Gph Think About Any Special Editions ?

Orange Pumpkin said:
?? Other colors ,, game grafics or sth else on the back or front ??
grafics? is that french?

sth else? new star wars character?

you could always just buy some stickers to put on it :rolleyes:
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This reminded me of when Craig mentioned the possibility of an aluminum-case anniversary GP2X back in 2006, would've been one hell of a rare item :)
grafics: No ,, I wanted to say it in English but was in a hury :( :(

it shuold be graphics

Edit: this forum really doesn't have a good auto corect half of my texts are underlined even if they are good
Chrome's auto-correct on all text areas (except in wordpress for some reason) is the bomb
Yes, it's called the Wizinator. Promo after the break.
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