Does anyone have a Nokia N900 that can answer my question


Very Active Member
Oct 29, 2011

Sorry if my grammar is not great.

I am about to get a new phone. I was looking for something cheep and the Nokia N900 seams to be the one I am getting, even if it's a little old. But I love qwerty keyboards and touch screen that works with a stylus :)

One thing I love doing with my Android phone is to do Internet sharing. I have 3G on it and I can set up a wifi network to get 3G internet to a laptop or a Nintendo 3DS. Both wireless and via USB

I know that the Nokia N900 don't use Android and I really don't want to install that unoffical Android port on it.

Does anyone know if I can do Internet sharing with the Nokia N900 like a can on a Android phone?
Mobile HotSpot works well for me, although I've only done wifi sharing, not through USB.
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I'd love to do PAN via BT though, to pair it with the Pandora... any easy solution here?
The N900 isn't bad, but just one thing - be very careful with its usb connector! It is quite a tight fit, and other people on other forums have had the usb connector break off!

Yep, my first one died because of that.

So the first thing I did when I got it was to open the case and added a thick hot glue blob on top of the port.

It's now being pushed onto the PCB by the case so it can't break anymore :)
Ï will keep that in mind when I get one :) @EvilDragon, is it hard to open the case on the N900? It's so tiny
Ï will keep that in mind when I get one :) @EvilDragon, is it hard to open the case on the N900? It's so tiny

There's a service manual floating around the internet. Following that guide properly shouldn't cause issues.

Once you've done it a few times, it's really easy :)
I wonder if Sugru would be even better than hot-glue, for the USB port fix? It's more temperature-resistant than most glues tend to be, after all. :P