Do you recommend Flashing FW?


Jul 31, 2003
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Hi Folks,
I would like to know if you recommend a newbie to flash the gp32s firmware :rolleyes:
Can I use Filemanagers like Windups without flashing the FW?
I read about limitations, movieplayers that wont work with homegrown FW, is that true?

Thanks, Thyphoid
i am in the same dilema myself, but i can tell you that windup will work with the original FW. but if you check the earlier descutions i cant get most .Fxe files to run from the mygp icon :(
I like to run a FW that is most compatible with all diverse software. I don't want to flash the FW again, for example before I can use a special program.
By the way is flashing FW really soooo risky? :huh:
By the way is flashing FW really soooo risky?

Not at all, if you follow the simple instructions outlined on I was surprised how quick and painless the flashing procedure actually was, and it cuts my GP32 boot time drastically -- I am playing games or listening to music almost instantly! Your best choice will probably be to use the multifirmware option as described in the FAQ and its links, as it lets you auto-boot to Windups, PC-Link, Pacrom, or the original Gamepark software. You can change which default OS you want to boot from by holding down SELECT when turning on the console.

Just remember to use a fresh set of batteries when flashing, and best of luck!
Yes! Multifirmware is one of the best things I put on my GP. You have Pacrom, the original firmware, Winups and PCLink in one firmware and you can choose between them.
It's faster than the official firmware, starting Freelauncer, searching the right entry etc.
Every GP Owner should have Multifirmware on their machine :)
The risk is summed up as follows :

Severity - High - failed flash = loss of use of GP32 until you ask Mr Spiv to use his jtag cable and software to reset it - see

Occurrence - Low - Mr Spiv reported 3 repaired up till June 03

Detection - High - it don't work if it fails


Follow the guide available here

The process is fairly simple and can be done for practice on the emulator, though I could not reboot on the emulator afterwards I could simulate the reflash program running.

If you want to see the functionality of the new firmware then use the emulator and just load the new firmware file in place of Fw157e.bin

Why to reflash

I had mine 2 weeks and reflashed it to get rid of the slow reboot.

Pacrom is brilliant as it allows you to boot straight to a file manager view and then just press one button to load a programme, it even remembers the last program you ran and positions the cursor there.

Once you go flash you never go back :P
If the slow boot annoys you, then yes, its worth doing.

Unless you'd become suicidal if, by happenstance, you did break your gamepark...
i've flashed many things in my time, my dvd players, pc motherboards, mobile phone, pc scsi cards, ive chipped ps1's, ps2's and i must say the gp32 process was one of the least scary, the quickest and has given some of the best benefits.

i would say as long as you follow the instructions and make sure you have fresh batteries go for it.
i just flashed my FW, and i about p1$$ed my pants :mellow: :D :lol: , but it is sooooooooo cooooooool to boot straight to windups, it makes it more pocket-pc-ish B)
I don't like to consider myself a noobie anymore, but when I got my GP32 about 3 weeks ago, I flashed it after having it about an hour. As a famous sports brand says "JUST DO IT!" you'll never look back.
I havent flashed my FW and I don't intend to, i'm not afraid I just don't mind the original boot up and because I haven't experienced the other firmware I don't know any different.
pacrom, the factory "os" and pc link are all on the gp's 512(?) rom, and windups is too, but its very cripled without installing windups on your smc. And I flashed my fw with the mulit the day I got my gp. Its no big deal, just use fresh AAs.
Thanks for the interesting statements. I tried the fireware flash under GeePee32 and as I started the emu again ... it didnt work :huh:

I just received my GP32 from Hong Kong today, so you can imagine whats up first. B)
I have flashed firmware 4 times (don't ask me why, lol) and I find the MultiFirmWare is by far a lot more convenient than simply PacRom or the official firmware. And it is true that some firmware cannot load some things but I find that the MultiFirmWare loads everything since you have the option to choose the official english firmware anyways! So my advice: Flash to Mr Spiv's multifirmware. :)