Disgruntled And Unlucky


Nov 12, 2005
Bum town
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Ok, got my unit back in October. Eveything was going fine and all but then my headphone jack broke. I sent it back to Gbax and got a replacement unit.
Today the replacement came and i was so happy. Opened it up and turned it on. Coloured lines appear and i think its bricked.

Should i return it again? i don't know
Will i get another one? i don't know

Don't get me wrong. When it was working i was enjoying it alot but as this is my second unit i'm starting to regret that i ordered too soon and should wait until January
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
Don't take offense, but just wanted to offer some help ...

Are you using fully charged NiMH batteries? The ones supplied are the cheapest alkalines in the universe, and are likely near-dead on arrival; this would account for the weird lines ...
TelcoLou posted on Dec 7 2005 at 06:07 PM said:
Don't take offense, but just wanted to offer some help ...

Are you using fully charged NiMH batteries? The ones supplied are the cheapest alkalines in the universe, and are likely near-dead on arrival; this would account for the weird lines ...

this, i would think is more likely the case than an out and out duff unit. I have bought cheap batteries i used to use in my gp32 and my 2x wont even boot with them, showing exactly the same as the chap above
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Hobo posted on Dec 7 2005 at 06:55 PM said:
Ok, got my unit back in October. Eveything was going fine and all but then my headphone jack broke. I sent it back to Gbax and got a replacement unit.
Today the replacement came and i was so happy. Opened it up and turned it on. Coloured lines appear and i think its bricked.

Should i return it again? i don't know
Will i get another one? i don't know

Don't get me wrong. When it was working i was enjoying it alot but as this is my second unit i'm starting to regret that i ordered too soon and should wait until January
:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

How long did it take to get a replacement out of interest?
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Hobo posted on Dec 7 2005 at 05:55 PM said:
Ok, got my unit back in October. Eveything was going fine and all but then my headphone jack broke. I sent it back to Gbax and got a replacement unit.
   Today the replacement came and i was so happy. Opened it up and turned it on. Coloured lines appear and i think its bricked.

Should i return it again? i don't know
Will i get another one? i don't know

Don't get me wrong. When it was working i was enjoying it alot but as this is my second unit i'm starting to regret that i ordered too soon and should wait until January
:angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

I had those lines when I put in a dodgy SD card. Try removing and inserting it or try it without an SD card and see if it works. Maybe the card got corrupt or the contacts are dirty or something.

I would think he would test the replacement before sending it out, I doubt he would send out another duff unit.
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THanks for the advice Dave but i'm booting it without the card and it crashes. Why do i always get a wack unit? :( :(
yaustar posted on Dec 7 2005 at 12:33 PM said:
Just return and get another unit.. nothing much you can really do at this point.

Gawd I hop this doesnt happen to me... :(
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I get weird line pattern when mine boots up as well. At first I thought it was messed up, but I figured out if I just waited long enough it'd eventually boot. I don't think yours would be in that situation though, 'cause you'd have to be extremely impatient to try it again and again and still think it's bricked.
EvilDragon posted on Dec 8 2005 at 10:19 AM said:
Yep, some gp2x seem to be pre-bricked.

On the brighter side, I guess that saves some people the trouble of bricking their GP2X themselves! :ph34r:
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Hobo posted on Dec 7 2005 at 07:55 PM said:
Today the replacement came and i was so happy. Opened it up and turned it on. Coloured lines appear and i think its bricked.

Could you explain this a bit further? Does it show any signs of booting at all? Or do the lines appear immediately after turning it on?
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Could you explain this a bit further? Does it show any signs of booting at all? Or do the lines appear immediately after turning it on?

Ok i put batteries in it and the loading screen appeared(green) and it crashed. Now when i start it a white screen with lines comes up.
gp2brew posted on Dec 8 2005 at 09:37 AM said:
On the brighter side, I guess that saves some people the trouble of bricking their GP2X themselves! :ph34r:
ROFL :lol:
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dennis20014 posted on Dec 7 2005 at 09:59 PM said:
yea same here but when I get mine I'll just use some fresh AA's
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