"different" Genesis/megadrive Games


Startled By Midgets
Nov 3, 2003
Newton, UK
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Sorry to start yet another favourite game topic. I've been through "Official Best Games For Sega Genesis" topic and tried most of the games but I was wondering if anyone has suggestions that are away from the norm... let me explain...

In the last couple of days I've tried 1000+ Genesis/Megadrive games trying to choose the best to play with DrMD. Nearly all the ones I've tried so far fall into one of the following categories:

- Horizontal scrolling shooter (like R-Type etc)
- Vertically scrolling shooter (like 1943 etc)
- Beat 'em Up (like Street Fighter 2 etc)
- Scrolling Beat 'em Up (like Streets Of Rage etc)
- Cutesy Run 'n Jump (like Mickey Mouse etc)
- Shooty Run 'n Jump (like Strider)
- Into The Screen Driving (like Super Hang-On etc)
- Sports Sim (like John Madden etc)
- RPG (like Fantasy Star etc)

Does anyone have any suggestions for games that don't fall into one of those categories? I know it sounds like I am ruling out pretty much every genre but if you think about it some of the best games around don't fall into those categories - eg Bobble Bobble, Rainbow Islands, Bomb Jack, Speedball 2, Bomberman etc etc.

All suggestions will be very much appreciated! :D

Off the top of my head...

Flashback is a grown up kind of platform game (Out Of This World is worth a look too)
Pirates Gold! is a complete Pirate career management sim
Cannon Fodder works well and is a sort of point and click war sim
Dune 2 doesn't work, but when it does it's an immersive RTS
Populous series etc are "God Sims"

And yeah, Theme Park - excellent - and Syndicate if we ever get that to work.

You missed out puzzlers, of which there are many, Mean bean Machine & Columns being 2 of the obvious ones and worth a play.

Haven't tested all of these in DrMD either I'm afraid.

Oh, and I would say Speedball 2 was definatley a sports sim, despite it's future setting - Great Game!

Try and get a hold of a game called Wani Wani World (translates to Croc Croc World, if I recall correctly). It's an interesting little Bubble Bobble / Burgertime crossover that wasted many hours of my formative years.

Disclaimer - can't remember actually trying it on DrMD or fGen yet, shall try and remember later.

It's customary to mention Herzog Zwei in answers to questions like this, but I never much liked it.
Shirohagen posted on Mar 24 2005 at 02:56 PM said:
You missed out puzzlers, of which there are many, Mean bean Machine & Columns being 2 of the obvious ones and worth a play.

Haven't tested all of these in DrMD either I'm afraid.

Oh, and I would say Speedball 2 was definatley a sports sim, despite it's future setting - Great Game!


I didn't put puzzlers on the list cos they tend to be quite different - big difference between PuzzleBobble and Tetris for example - and different is what I'm after. What I'm trying to avoid is filling my SMC up with a hundred identikit run n jump games, something that's apparently very easy to do when it comes to Genesis games.

I've just been looking for Wani Wani World and found this site which seems quite useful. Now what would be really good would be a site with the top 100 Genesis games as voted for by the good people on the internet. Anyone know of something like that?


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Sorry for the language / off topic,

but, Tippy, what the hell is your avatar??? I first thought its an ass with two holes, but then I stopped thinking that (made me shiver) and now my head is going to burst if I cannot identify this soon...
Quiest posted on Mar 24 2005 at 05:19 PM said:
Sorry for the language / off topic,

but, Tippy, what the hell is your avatar??? I first thought its an ass with two holes, but then I stopped thinking that (made me shiver) and now my head is going to burst if I cannot identify this soon...

isn´t it just a part of a face? ...with one eye and ear visible.....?
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Herzog Zwei - The orignal C&C?
Shadowrun - a great cyberpunk action RPG(Hard to pin down a genre)
Balljacks - not sure what this one is about?
Is Physic Pinball the greatest pinball game on the GP32? On DRMD, it's wonderful. There can be surely no greater pinball game anywhere....?
Toejam & Earl!!! Awesome, unique game.

You must also check out the two Puzzle & Action series games - Tanto-R & Ichidant. They're the spiritual precursors to Wario Ware -- really excellent!

Others that aren't your regular run & jump:

Aerobiz Supersonic (airline sim)

Another World (prequel to Flashback)

Battletech (isometric like Desert Strike but with mechs)

Bonanza Brothers (remember Keystone Kapers?)

Bubba & Stix (adventure featuring a redneck and his... alien stick???)

Caeser's Palace (casino game)

Championship Pro-Am (isometric racing with remote control cars. Update of the NES RC Pro-am)

Devil Crash/Dragon's Fury & Dragon's Revenge (gothic pinball)

Ecoo the Dolphin (swim, fishy, swim!)

Fantasy World Dizzy (the egg!)

Flicky (must play - unique)

Gauntlet 4 (overhead maze adventure, this version adds an RPG mode and finally works in DrMD!)

General Chaos (fun strategy game -- didn't work on the first version of DrMD, but may now)

Humans (kinda like Lemmings. I hate it, but some people dig it)

James Pond Aquatic Sports ("different" sports game)

Kageki (odd punching game)

Klax (very original variation of Tetris)

Krusty's Super Fun House (guide the rats into the smashing machine!)

Mega Lo Mania (incredible war/strategy/god game)

Pacmain (isometric pacman. Used to love this)

Pengo (it's Pengo! If you like Bomberman, you'll probably enjoy this)

Rampart (Missile Command meets Tetris. Great game)

Scooby Doo Mystery (like a SCUMM game! Very nice surprise)

Shanghai 2/3 - Dragon's Eye (Mahjongg)

Star Control (cool strategy shooter. Had serious bugs in first DrMD, but may work now?)

The Ooze (well, it's "different!")

Ultimate Qix/Volfied (update of Qix)

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (track down a spy)

Zany Golf (good mini-golf game)
Toejam & Earl!!! Awesome, unique game.
I agree; check out the sequel as well!

Another World (prequel to Flashback)

[Ecoo the Dolphin (swim, fishy, swim!)

These two are HAAARD! :o They're both very fun, but Ecco may be the hardest game I've ever played! Thank god DrMD has savestates!

Fantasy World Dizzy (the egg!)
I used to love the PC version on this game, but it still doesn't work on DrMD; you hear the opening jingle and nothing more. When Reesy releases the new version of DrMD with the different core, maybe you could try seeing if it's a cyclone bug that's stopping it from starting; in that case, you could save the game after it starts & load it in the regular DrMD. Who knows, it might work.

Humans (kinda like Lemmings. I hate it, but some people dig it)
I could never figure out how to play this... you really need an instruction manual.

Klax (very original variation of Tetris)
This is now my favourite puzzle game, but I think that the best version of KLAX is actually on the Atari Lynx; the voices & sound effects make really fun to play, and it "feels" better than all the other versions (even if you do have to hold your gp32_console sideways to play it).

Pacmain (isometric pacman. Used to love this)
This is actually called Pac-Mania.

Star Control (cool strategy shooter. Had serious bugs in first DrMD, but may work now?)
There's no energy or life bar for any of the ships, so practically it's still not very playable.
lubidog posted on Mar 24 2005 at 04:59 PM said:
Is Physic Pinball the greatest pinball game on the GP32? On DRMD, it's wonderful. There can be surely no greater pinball game anywhere....?

Get Virtual Pinball. Made by the Pinball Construction Set guy, think his name is Bill Budge.

Anyway, it rocks ... tons of fun making your own tables too. :D
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