Release DIDirc, another IRC Client to chat on the OpenPandora channel


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
DMDirc is a cross-platform IRC client written in Java.


Its features include:
- Free as in speech: The DMDirc source code is available for anyone to download and modify
- Free as in beer: DMDirc doesn't and will never cost anything to download or use
- Actions system: Execute commands when certain events happen, without using a scripting language
- Easily extendible: Support for plugins, themes and packs of actions to easily extend and customise the client
- Colourful chat: Support for both mIRC and hex colours, as well as bold, italics and more
- Cross platform: Works on Windows, Linux and OS X — anywhere that can run Java!
- Intelligent behaviour: Intelligent tab completion and link detection makes life easier
It's a JAVA application, so if you run OpenJDK it's relatively slow. If you run the SUN Java it should be much faster.

Overclocking will help, too. BUt honestly, for IRC, it's fast enough. Once it's loaded.
I mean, its slow to show its dialog boxes. It would be nice if that was sped up.