Did I Join Too Late?


Still Fresh
Jul 11, 2013
Hey gang! 

I'm new to the Caanoo! I just got mine in the mail today, actually.

I've been trying to set up roms and emulators today, but I'm having a heck of a time.

Specifically, CPS2, MAME, and NeoGeo don't seem to work.

NeoGeo : I've tried AES roms, MVS roms, Mame roms and NeoRage roms... I'm just not sure what's going on with this.

Mame: I can't seem to make mame work at all.

CPS2: I get roms to recognize, but they always crash with a cache error.

I've been reading various forums for the past few hours, but so much of the information is outdated with broken links. Does anyone have any advice for where I should check next?

(Note: I am not asking for Roms. I understand that is against the rules. I just want advice for what I might be doing wrong.) 
It sux, but for those emulators its a matter of just getting the right romset and they are out there its just a matter of finding them, Its been too long for me to remember, maybe someone else here?
Never is too late. Remember to read each emulator instructions usually in a readme.txt file.
For example for MAME2ALL you need to use a specific romset, doesn't work with any romset.