Dev environment setup on Windows


Aug 24, 2016
Hi guys,

I'm in no way a developer but I'm trying to make devkitGP2X work on Windows. I always tweaked some existing stuff (gpe scripts, source code) and I would like to compile them now. I successfully compiled some demo with it but I'm now trying to use openwiz under devkitGP2X but I get error message like 'binary arm-openwiz-linux-gnu cannot be executed' when launching makefile. I read that DevkitGP2X on Windows could be only used to compile apps WITHOUT any lib dependencies, otherwise it's not the proper environment.

So I would like to clarify what my intention is here:
- I would like to start coding some silly stuff and try them on my Wiz just for fun
- I would like to recompile some stuff like DrPocketSnes, GnGeo2X after some tweaks I made myself from the sources (just for the training and because I would like to modify some easy stuff in some of them)

But these programs seem to use openwiz.

As compiling demo seems to be working, what is the best way to be able to recompile sources I found for emulators (using openwiz Linux toolchain)? Or can I use another tool (GPH sdk, open2X, arm-linux...)? Can it be done on Windows or do I have to set up my environment under Linux? Or am I completely mistaken about the feasibility of recompiling existing emus?

Thanks in advance as I'm a bit lost about how to proceed. :)
If you have to use only makefiles to is to install the toolchain into a linux box, on a Windows machine you need to install cygwin to use the toolchain.

Plus i didn't understand well :
you have installed devkitGP2X (that is for GP2X F100/F200) and after added openwiz into this?

I read that DevkitGP2X on Windows could be only used to compile apps WITHOUT any lib dependencies, otherwise it's not the proper environment.
That is not true...when i was porting for GP2X (F100/F200) i used a windows machine and code::blocks IDE with integrated devkit for GP2X , and with this i was able to compile and link with every libs that was available for the handhelds (i sometimes also compiled some libs inside this environment).
Not sure what I was doing but I installed devkitGP2x then downloaded and installed openwiz but openwiz did not work and I read that it did not on Windows.
As far as I read from Franxis, we can use devkitGP2X to compile for the Wiz:
That's why I tried this option.

I think I will go for the Linux route anyway. I'm a total newbie on this but I would like to learn and be able to compile almost anything I want.