

Trust the recursion...
May 21, 2003
California, USA
Wouldn't it be cool if somebody continued to work on the Descent port. Or, maybe somebody could start a new port? This game was soo much fun, it would rock on the GP32. What do you guys think?
First: Mars Volta kicks arse. Good job, GP34.

Anyway. Yeah, I agree, Descent would be nice. I played the demo like crazy when we first got a PC in like '95. It'd be frigg'n awesome to have that on my GP. So awesome that I'd headbutt my dog so hard we'd both scream.

But I have absolutely no idea how to program anything whatsoever, so I'm-a no gonna complain. Or beg or whatever. Just saying. I agree.

SO yeah, this was a waste of a post. Really I just wanted to agree with the Mars Volta plug banner there, but realized I had to relate my post to Descent, and then consequently realized I agreed strongly.

Oh geeze. That's quite enough of that.

I couldn't stand Descent, but I loved Terminal velocity, similar games, but I think Terminal Velocity would be much better and more fun.
volfro posted on Dec 7 2003 at 07:22 AM said:
It'd be frigg'n awesome to have that on my GP. So awesome that I'd headbutt my dog so hard we'd both scream.
ahahahahaha...................that was pretty damn funny
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