Der Langrisser

Oh warsong (aka langrisser) I have fond memories of this game

The only help i can provide is that the translation patched version of langrisser II on the megadrive which is basically the same game as langrisser I on SNES which works fine on the current megadrive emulators.

by the way prequel to this game on the megadrive is called warsong, it's an official translation of the japanese Langrisser I.
ledro said:
Oh warsong (aka langrisser) I have fond memories of this game

The only help i can provide is that the translation patched version of langrisser II on the megadrive which is basically the same game as langrisser I on SNES which works fine on the current megadrive emulators.

by the way prequel to this game on the megadrive is called warsong, it's an official translation of the japanese Langrisser I.
Ledro - Thanks for that, I'll check out the megadrive version.

The game hooked me last night when I had a quick dabble.
Just a shame I was guessing some of the menu picks - at one point I was taking on three battalions with one knight :lol:
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