Is that a Caanoo in your pocket or are you just ha
Right to make my point im gong to type out thiss part of tmy post without using abackspace ekety *keu*key. Yes, I know I am an abysmal speller.
HOWE *Hoeweb * Howvever, I hope it show how intergral a bavkspace si rto most people.
I was just lokoing at the renders for the pandora anf noticed that there isn't actuall a backsapce key to be fount. I mean sure, theres a dlete, btut thats not really thes same in my opinion.
****End crap spelling*****
I know it's a really late time to be bringing up something so hardware-based and quite a small issue, but can you imagine more posts on these forums like the above? Because, In my opinion, that's what we might end up with if we ignore this.
A simple idea may be just to re-label the delete key as backspace, and make it function as a delete key if shift is held at the same time?
End bad spelling, create a backspace key!
HOWE *Hoeweb * Howvever, I hope it show how intergral a bavkspace si rto most people.
I was just lokoing at the renders for the pandora anf noticed that there isn't actuall a backsapce key to be fount. I mean sure, theres a dlete, btut thats not really thes same in my opinion.
****End crap spelling*****
I know it's a really late time to be bringing up something so hardware-based and quite a small issue, but can you imagine more posts on these forums like the above? Because, In my opinion, that's what we might end up with if we ignore this.
A simple idea may be just to re-label the delete key as backspace, and make it function as a delete key if shift is held at the same time?
End bad spelling, create a backspace key!