I got a brand new HP Pavilion with Windows ME, about once every 2 weeks it totally forgets my GP and I have to reinstall all the drivers and everything again.
Zider Posted on Nov 18 2003, 11:11 AM
If you can afford it, get Windows 2000, NOT XP. It's in second place after ME in the list of crappy systems imo. :>
Have to disagree with ya there! Windows 2000 is ok but in no way is windows xp second to ME in terms of crapness. I use windows 2000 at work - and its ok - but XP (that i use at home) is much more reliable, much more "user friendly"
nah it's not the batteries, it's not user error, windows is just playing up... (win98SE)... it's just packed in for some reason... i dunno if other usb thingies are working 'cause i've only got a (borrowed) scanner and i don't use that much...
how much are card readers? is there any special type i need to get?
Well I bought a card reader in the UK for £10. It's only USB1.1, so gives approx 900Kb/sec, but it does the job, and upto 9 times faster than the GP32 usb connection Unfortunately, constantly swapping cards between that and the GP32 is a nightmare when you are trying to develope and test apps.
Alternatively, you could wait for my own version of PC-Link, which should solve a number of problems with the official version (which seems to have been thrown together in a few days).