Darnit :(

I got a brand new HP Pavilion with Windows ME, about once every 2 weeks it totally forgets my GP and I have to reinstall all the drivers and everything again.
I cant BELIEVE that people are still suppling PC's with that load of rubbish OS Windows ME.

I had it once (for about a week) and it was the WORST system EVER for losing drivers, double installing drivers etc. etc.

If you can afford it, get a copy of Windows XP - failing that, drop back to Windows 98 - Windows ME is UTTER RUBBISH
Zider Posted on Nov 18 2003, 11:11 AM
If you can afford it, get Windows 2000, NOT XP. It's in second place after ME in the list of crappy systems imo. :>

Have to disagree with ya there! Windows 2000 is ok but in no way is windows xp second to ME in terms of crapness. I use windows 2000 at work - and its ok - but XP (that i use at home) is much more reliable, much more "user friendly"
Try NEW Batteries (Thats what I do and it Works :D) or try a different Link software on the GP32....
maybe ur usb port is put to sleep

my usb goes off after a while if somethins plugged it

just plug it in when u use it and leave it out when u dunt use it
nah it's not the batteries, it's not user error, windows is just playing up... (win98SE)... it's just packed in for some reason... i dunno if other usb thingies are working 'cause i've only got a (borrowed) scanner and i don't use that much...

how much are card readers? is there any special type i need to get?
Well I bought a card reader in the UK for £10. It's only USB1.1, so gives approx 900Kb/sec, but it does the job, and upto 9 times faster than the GP32 usb connection :) Unfortunately, constantly swapping cards between that and the GP32 is a nightmare when you are trying to develope and test apps.

Alternatively, you could wait for my own version of PC-Link, which should solve a number of problems with the official version (which seems to have been thrown together in a few days).