Internal Development
* skeezix crosses his fingers
Know what? I don't even care ;-) MultiFW is simply essential, thanks a lot for what we already got, and thanks even more for any update in the future!mr.spiv posted on May 14 2003 said:Btw.. about the booting speed. MultFW does around one second sleep() during boot up. Just to let you know that you don't get an impression the decompression routine on MultiFW is slow or something :rolleyes:
Firmware.. well, you can go straight to PacRom, or use the multifw which lets you chose a boot time which firmware to use (or use a default you set). PacRom is a simple text launcher.. it lists the games in the current directory, and you pick one. You can go browsing directories, etc, as well. WindUps you know about already.. the simple GUI desktop. Very rpetty. PCLink for transferring files. And the normal firmware that comes with the unit (minus the jingle at the front).stickofjoy posted on May 14 2003 said:anybody care to explain the differences and choices in alternative firmware?