Nova said:
Palmertech, yours is amazing, you can tell so much more effort went in than your competitors. I hope you win!
I have to agree with nubie... Yes, it did take a LOT of work, but the other people have spent a lot of time as well. And the wood portables.... I suck at wood.
@nubie: Thanks for the vote, I am glad you were not biased by who it was.

I can see why you may be less impressed, but most people are clueless about how stuff like this can even be done! :lol: Wait till you see my next mod... In fact, PM me, I can send you some pics, I would love feedback.
You missed the drama, but the contest ended in 20 minutes, and I could not get my camera working, so I just entered it without pics, and posted them from my n800 a few hours later.
Have any advice on fixing my NMEA data output on the GPS?
Never had a chance to play with GPS, sorry.
I just saw a comment in the voting thread (I didn't think I should comment, just vote), and I didn't realize that Brian was doing another SNES after several.
The comment was to the effect that he had experience. I was just impressed with the polish and solidity of the whole mod (including that sick right angle mod on the cart slot, he braced it to the PCB and didn't use ribbon cable!)
I am so sorry that your camera didn't work, I went back and double-checked your posts and was impressed that you got any picture at all considering. I liked your portable a lot, almost enough to swap you and Bacteria if I didn't like Sega and multi-machine so much. Plus he started from scratch on the case and didn't even use a mill :blink: , that deserves respect.
When you get pics I would love to see how you managed to get all that stuff inside. (I assume the GPS is connected externally?).
I guess I don't feel too bad because you are third and Bacteria is 5th, you are going strong (somehow everybody loves Life of Brian's, must be the well produced video.)