Still Fresh
Sensi Soccer - Megadrive
Ranarama - Speccy
Quazatron - Speccy
Ranarama - Speccy
Quazatron - Speccy
Cool idea. Although somehow this thread has turned into what you are trying to reduce. :lol:lizard808uk posted on Sep 9 2005 at 07:48 PM said:Aloha from Hawai'i!
I just thought this idea would be pretty cool at since you wouldn't have so many "what are you playing?" threads and also help me find out what is currently popular on the GP32. I don't get much time to check the forums nowadays since Internet cafe time is precious.In this way, I can see what regular members are playing and have a quick heads up on it.
Anyway, its just an idea...
Shikigami posted on Sep 10 2005 at 07:55 PM said:Thanx for "Magi nation" Badtoad, i didn't know itit looks really nice! i'll try it right now :lol: is there an english translation for "Star ocean - bluesphere" ?
barnesy posted on Sep 10 2005 at 09:01 AM said:I'd also be playing Mario Golf and Mario Tennis on fGB32, but for some reason, all the f-day preview emus just go to a blank screen when I try to pick a ROM (it scans them OK). Seems I'm alone with that problem though, or I guess other people would have mentioned it. Have tried other cards, card formats, redownloads, reinstalls, etc.