Curl and HTTPS ?


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
I am wondering if anyone has a quick fix for that. When using CURL in terminal with an https address it refuses the connection because CA certificates are apparently missing. Any way to install the said certificates ?
Not sure how to install the certificates but there's this option:

-k/--insecure Allow connections to SSL sites without certs

Not sure if using it always is a good idea (I guess there's a reason why it's called insecure)
Any way to install the said certificates ?
Make sure the OS is updated as this package was recently added to the repository.


sudo opkg install ca-certificates 
Does not work on the 1.6 firmware, is there any other workaround ? Curl can call its own ca certificates with -cacert, but I could not figure if it is expecting any kind of specific format?
Does not work on the 1.6 firmware, is there any other workaround ?
Installing the ca certs didn't work? or CURL with the ca certs package didn't work? Because I can install it at least. 
That's not the point of my question. I had no incentive to move to 1.61 when it was out anyway.
Well now you do: certificates work with 1.61 but not 1.60. Unless you have a specific reason to avoid upgrading I don't know why you're avoiding it.
I'm having problems with this too, which is a pain for git, wget, curl etc. Installing ca-certificates doesn't really seem to make any difference. Currently using firmware 1.70 RC
The firmware wget does not have https support, firmware curl works fine after installing ca-certificates.