GP2X Curious About It :)


Still Fresh
Nov 27, 2006
Hey there ! (neewbieemaybiiieee)

Just read, and gotten to know a bit about the GP2x and it looks good (to good to be true infact).
I'de like a handheld that runs c64 emu and Amiga emu (just like gp2x does),
mame and video/mp3's is just a nice bonus ....
I've barely started to read in the wiki hardware docs without feeling "that" much smarter (lack of knowledge),
but I could read about the wm9711L audiochip fairely well.
(I might add I've been making techno since 1990 on Amiga and needed to see if it is usable as a portable recording device also.)

I am very curious how things are from developing perspective.
I know gamemaking since -20 years but only at Basic /higherlevels / editors.
New to linux, pc and computers at lower levels in general so, eeek.
But I'de really like to start toggle bits at $ch14 and $ch15 and see how the hardware responds to my delicious commands.
Could some of you help me picture how this is set up/ done ?
I've barely done any assembling before (a tiny bit on c64) but wouldn't mind trying at the gp2x.
(I vision it as a super-duper-multi-"all-purpose" tool in the futer)

What setup options are there ?
Is there emus or something simular to use of the GP2X core for x-plattform dev ?
Are any of you coding games, demos, progs in low level now ?
I will figure things out as I read but wondered who's doing what and how ? Any previews/ avi clips/ documents to look at etc.
Tutorials /guides you recomend.

(I might add I've been making techno since 1990 on Amiga and needed to see if it is usable as a portable recording device also.)

I can say that you won't be able to record audio unless you hook up a USB audio capture interface, but with that, it should be easy to compile (or have someone compile) a generic usb audio kernel module if it isn't included already. The other problem is finding software to do the recording, but there are probably plenty of command line programs to do it if you don't mind writing a script to run it.
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I see, the options for adioinputs are in the chip but not built in the hardware as standard.
Using USB device I don't have to start modding the hardware.
Hmm, thanks I need te read more and order that toy :P