Crocodingus In Crocoland

Hi Esn,

Thank for your good test and your interest.
Here some information for the futur release

- too short to feel like a full game (level 3 especially is really short)
I work to increase all levels and add more than 5 :) (today level 1 is 10x bigger than adic version)
- only one type of enemy
I've already add one new enemie (perhaps more in next release I dont know)
- there is a bug: if you jump on your enemies from a platform higher than the one they're on, they won't get squished and you'll sustain damage instead
This bug is corrected
- somehow, I don't jump instantly when I press the button "jump". There's a small delay, and I think this should be fixed if possible
I will work to resolve this bug
- level 5 can be a little unfair; it's actually possible to get stuck in a dead end.
See first remarque

Dont worry this my first Jump'n'run game and the first version of croco from me (v0.1). In futur I will make big evolution of this game. :)

Besides it obviously being too short ;) the biggest 'flaw' in the game IMO is that Crocodingus doesn't respond when he walks into an enemy, the only thing happening is the life-meter going down. I would expect him to bounce back (not being able to walk through an enemy) or the controls would start feeling 'heavier' when you hit / walk through an enemy.

I love this game, this version is incredible compared to the first demo-version. With little improvement and more levels (many, many more please :)) this would be a game I would pay for.
Hi JyCet :)

Crocodingus is really a fantastic game :) surely in the top 3 of all GP32 homebrew history imo :)

It's really nice to see you listen & grant player wishes :) Many many many thanks for that :)

I think everything have been said here, I mostly want it longer (which is really better ;p), more levels/more ennemy & maybe if it's possible a perfect 'colision bump' when we touch an ennemy as raven just explain :)

Except that your game is really top quality, near commercial level, and it would worth some bucks from me after these small improves things will be updates ;p
Many many many thanks for your so perfect work :))) You're showing off what our beloved GP can do :P

Can't wait to play next release asap ;p
I am an obvious platform-fan, therefore i love dingus :)
Looking forward to the next release !!

If more games like this was made for gp32_console ,
i would surely wet my pants out of happiness !!!
sorry dudes but this is starting to buggin me, why the hell does he still not have guru status!!!!!!!! :angry: he has done such f*** great software like the best arkanoid clone, crazyjack!!!!! <<<OMG and now croco, what i really like is that his software plays perfect its like u playin a comercial game sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:
I love this game. I've been playing it today infact.

I have a couple of minor quibbles:

*When the croc jumps what I think are his ear muffs dissappear. If they are his ear muffs another problem is that he has no fore arms. His jump motion is nicely animated and the addition of some fore arms could be used to great effect with this motion.
*A reaction is needed when being hit by an enemy, although this has already been pointed out.
*The health meter I feel is coloured the wrong way. I understand what you where trying to do, match the full meter with the colour of the heart which is red but I think that a red meter is more commonly associated with danger so I think it should start out grey and as damage is sustained turn red.
The current colour scheme and the lack of a reaction when hit caused a bit of confusion for me at first as I wasn't sure exactly how much life I had left.

I love the look to this game and it's a lot of fun to play. I look forward to any further releases. :)
Theres one badly placed block in level 1 where if you jump whilst under it, you get
stuck there in limbo between the ground and the block, forever jumping--Get what I'm Saying? :blink: . Other than that, I see no other bugs.
I agree that this is yet another absolutely fantastic almost-commercial-quality game; we've actually got a nice little collection of extremely good platformers these days (This, Giana Sisters, Lily's Dream, Nazcadreams being the ones that spring to mind in a few seconds).

Only thing that detracts a little from it imo is the lack of a "being hurt" animation for Croco; there's been many a time when I heven't realised quite how much damage I'm taking simply because of the lack of a flashing animation and being flung back a few paces!

This game is brilliant; I'm really looking forward to seeing what stage it's at when I get back to my GP32 :)
thanks all for all yours comments for crocodingus
i'm very happy to see great reactions on this
this game represent for me one of my best project for the gp32 handheld

so you will see in the future new surprises for croco ,
and so a lot of thanks to jycet for dev the game like this :D
and falken80 for the level design^^
Theres one badly placed block in level 1 where if you jump whilst under it, you get
stuck there in limbo between the ground and the block, forever jumping.
I've found the block:

He's stuck there, I can turn left or right but not walk or jump out.

Also when you have collected 99 bananas and find another one you lose them all (counter just goes to 00 and you have zero bananas)
It would also be nice if the settings (language, gamma etc) could be saved in a ini file so they would only have to be set once.
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I'll improve the box collision of croco for next version :) (I know always where is this bug ... but I work on lot of thing in this game :) )
When you collecte 100 bananes you win a life, so 99+1=life automatically :P
All options are already save in SMC but only if you quit the game by the menu (same as all my games ... switch quickly the power to reset gp32 can damage all data inside the smc !!!)

To all the password menu work but today only use by the coder (me :D ) to access directly at level xx.
For the next version (v0.2) I dont if I'll activate password for player or add a save otpion ?

Thanks for you play.
To all the password menu work but today only use by the coder (me  :D ) to access directly at level xx.
For the next version (v0.2) I dont if I'll activate password for player or add a save otpion ?

Thanks for you play.

Hi JyCet :)

Hummm why not use both of these ideas ? ;p Save is extremly conveniant for players & Password can enable you to "hide" some levels for exemple which can be unlocked when you'll broadcast the password on this board for exemple or if the player success to do some perfect score in collecting bananes for exemple (I got many ideas in this case) ;p

In any cases your games damn rock & as many here I really enjoy playing it :)

Many many many thanks for you and all of the Croco team, MaDsk8tard & falken80 to quote their names here :) to do such a great work :))

Keep up the perfect work & surprise us for next release ;p

a big big fan of Crocodingus :)
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I'll improve the box collision of croco for next version :) (I know always where is this bug ... but I work on lot of thing in this game :) )
When you collecte 100 bananes you win a life, so 99+1=life automatically :P
I got that after playing another few rounds, I never paid attention to the extra lives and first thought it was based upon score :rolleyes:
All options are already save in SMC but only if you quit the game by the menu (same as all my games ... switch quickly the power to reset gp32 can damage all data inside the smc !!!)
When I set the language to english and exit the game (by the menu) when I start it up the language is french again :unsure:
To all the password menu work but today only use by the coder (me :D ) to access directly at level xx.
For the next version (v0.2) I dont if I'll activate password for player or add a save otpion ?

Thanks for you play.
I don't think it matters much if you make a password based system or a regular save-function but personally I think it should only save the level you are at (not the exact position in the level), savestates like in emulators are a bit too easy IMO.
Maybe you could make saves like in Donkey Kong Country: saving your game every few levels by reaching a save-point.

Thanks for your great game :)
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now the colision of croco are very very good! :)
I've fixed my forgot to save the language selection, sorry for this "bug" :unsure:
For the automatic life with 100 bananas I will change it and give the possibility to buy some energie in some shop :)

I've decided to include the same save system as Lily. Memory chexk point in each level and a save if level is finish.

JyCet posted on Feb 2 2005 at 08:05 PM said:
now the colision of croco are very very good! :)
I've fixed my forgot to save the language selection, sorry for this "bug" :unsure:
For the automatic life with 100 bananas I will change it and give the possibility to buy some energie in some shop :)

I've decided to include the same save system as Lily. Memory chexk point in each level and a save if level is finish.

Good news. It's nice to hear about the progress and improvements, thanks for keeping us posted and for listening to the comments and suggestions :)
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sorry dudes but this is starting to buggin me, why the hell does he still not have guru status!!!!!!!! :angry: he has done such f*** great software like the best arkanoid clone, crazyjack!!!!! <<<OMG and now croco, what i really like is that his software plays perfect its like u playin a comercial game sorry for my bad english :rolleyes:

Add another vote for that motion ;) Personally, I still can't believe Aka Noid didn't win anything at "16 days"...

JyCet, how come you have all of these screenshots in your signature of your games, but at the link in your signature you can only download ONE of them? I remember you used to have another game at that link before, but it seems to have been replaced with Aka Noid...
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