Cribbage Game With AI...What's The Chances??


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2012
Lizard Lick, North Carolina
I admit, I'm a Cribbage junkie, been playing for better than 30 years.  I would like to see a .pnd for the Cribbage card game.

What's the chances?
I remember looking into this before, it seems most do not have AI, just network play... I can try to look again.
I don't find sources. I initially thought I'll find a Windows's one someware, to try again Winelib, but I only found a C# one. And I haven't done (yet) mono-wine... So for now, no luck.
There's a Cribbage Online game incl. AI for Android that works well on the Pandora.
I have an Android version on my phone.  Don't really WANT to run Android on the Pandy.  Any way to convert to a .pnd

I don't really like fooling around with different OS's...I get a little scared, because I know JUST ENOUGH about things like be truly dangerous, if you get my meaning.

Another possible would be to make a Cribbage Solitaire.

This is played same as regular Crib, but with only one player, so there's no playing cards or pegging, you just score your hand and your crib.

The way it normally is done is you run thru a whole pack of three to self, two to crib, three to self.  You then place two cards in crib, so that you and crib both have four.

Then you turn up one card from top of deck, it is your start card, and you can use that to score with your hand and your crib.

THEN...the start card is placed on the bottom of the deck, the other cards tossed out, and deal again.

You end up with six hands to play...then four cards left over which you score as a hand with no start card.

The object is to get at least 85 points.

That is how Cribbage Solitaire works.

This would even be alright...if Cribbage with an AI computer opponent can't be done on Pandy.
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