Don't be evil!
nice name, i like it 
I do think something along the lines of a modified SNES controller or somethign would work, then you would have all of the buttons etc, for pretty cheap
I think this is an excellent way raise money to cover development costs for a project like this. If a solid design and realistic specifications can be made (keep it simple I say B)) then there could be a lot of interest in this from many online far as money goes, maybe something like could get the ball rolling.
Sounds like a great idea!!
I was just wondering if it would be possible to make it compatable with the GP32. That way it wouldn't matter if we used the GP32's case and screen, since all the existing stuff would run. It would mean that everything would be a lot cheaper and some of the cost saved could be spent on more powerful processors etc...
Experienced Vacuum Forming company with facility to produce formings up to 3600 x 1800 mm. Cad design, patternmaking, prototyping. Volume production catered for with processing and assembly. Press Moulding, Hot Wire Bending, ultrasonic welding, pad printing, sceen printing, Blown Domes. CNC Routering 3000 x 2000 mm.
Sounds like a great idea!!
I was just wondering if it would be possible to make it compatable with the GP32. That way it wouldn't matter if we used the GP32's case and screen, since all the existing stuff would run. It would mean that everything would be a lot cheaper and some of the cost saved could be spent on more powerful processors etc...
The s3c2440 chip is not gp32 compatible, so old Software can not run on it out of the box. But it is 99% compatible, its using the same cpu core. Only some registers are at other places.
It is possible to use gp32 sourcecode, change some lines, and recompile it, with the new CPU as target. If you are using a free SDK (*smile*), it would be possible to only recompile your old stuff, and it should run on the new hardware. So only a rewritten SDK is needed, to fit the new chip.
OK, so it´s decided. We need touchscreen.The chip is getting cooler and cooler.
LINUX is already running on this chip,
QTOPIA has already been ported to this chip !!!
¢¹A/D Converter & Touch Screen Interface
8-ch multiplexed ADC
Max. 500KSPS and 10-bit Resolution
Internal FET for direct Touch screen interface