Crash/Freeze when charging, sometimes others times too.


Nov 18, 2010
Hi all,

I tried searching for similar crashes but I've got different symptoms to the ones that I found.

Basically, when I plug in my pandora to charge (I always leave it on/in low power mode, btw), it crashes just about every time. The crash takes the form of a complete freeze. The screen stays on showing whatever was happening when the crash occured, and I get zero response from nubs/touchscreen/buttons. I have to do a reset by holding the pandora button and flicking the power switch.

When I reset it, I have to unplug and then plug the charger (sometimes twice) in order for the red charging LED to come on.

My first guess was a battery connection error so I've got my folded piece of paper in between the battery and the battery clip, but that hasn't changed anything.

It might not be relevant, but I'm also having problems booting the Pandora OS from SD card. It'll boot up okay but no PNDs run (pndrun_x_out always fails with an error about not being able to detect the correct file system type when mounting the SquashFS) and the touchscreen doesn't work. This SD card is also used as a swap partition for the NAND-based Pandora OS.

Everything is using SuperZaxxon 1.51 and kernel 3.xx.

Anyone got any ideas? Thanks in advance for any advice.
Just crashed again, I'm not sure it's anything to do with the charging. It's just annoying when it crashes with no input change whatsoever.

EDIT: And it crashed again :P The only thing running was Vim in a terminal.
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Ah, thought I was on 1.51 but I'm only on 1.5. The SD card install is 1.51 but's that clearly buggered for a different reason.

Cheers guys, will reflash and report back.