Cradle/tv-out F-200 Compatibility


Still Fresh
Jan 29, 2008
When I first bought my GP2X F-200, I bought a TV-out cable with it. The problem is that it doesn't work. My GP2X's screen goes black as it should when I select TV-out, but nothing comes out the other side of the cable. This makes me wonder: is the TV-out cable even F-200 compatible? Do I have a bad cable or a bad console?

Either way, I'm wondering: Will the Cradle work with the F-200? Is anyone having troubles? Is everything fine and dandy? Thanks for your help! :)

edit: I just figured out it was my old TV; I wired it into my new widescreen TV and it works fine. However, now I have black bars on the sides of my screen because it's widescreen and the GP2X's signal is fullscreen. :P

New question: the cradle needs its own TV-out cables, right? Can I use the ones for the GP2X, or are they different? Are they standard-issue cables that could be bought at my local Circuit City?
Well, for me, my F200 works fine with the cradle. TV out and USB both work great. :)

Try checking the connections maybe?

For the cradle, I had to cut off the ext port rubber thingy. It doesn't fit otherwise.

what kind of tv-out cable do you have, the short one or the longer 3m one?

i had a faulty short one and so bought the longer one which is working fine.

maybe there is a batch of faulty short ones out there?
No, I have the 3m one... it's really excessively long and got tangled with my PS2 controller when I tried to use it. :P

So is it really a bad cable? edit: see title post
Tv out works fine for me (using the official tv out adapter)

Would be handy if the f200 actomatically detects a connection to the tv out and for the system to ask if you want to enable the tv out. This would save the hasstle of having to switch in and out of the system settings.

With reference to the cradel, i have had a few problems.

Yes, the tv works ok when connecting to an svideo connection at the front of a tv, however because i dont have an s video connection at the front of my tv (only at my mates) i went out an bought an svideo lead and a s video to scart adapter last saturday.

All i get is Black and white. I cant work out why this is the case as the adapter i bouht (simmilar to the one below) should convert s video to scart. I spent a total of £25 on saturday so i could use my f200 on my normal tv, but all i get is black and white. I didnt bother getting an all in one s video to scart as i wanted to also use the tv out function without the cradel (using the f200 tv out adapter) to connect to the scart adapter posted below.

I have tried both NTSC and PAL in the output settings. Why doesnt this work? £25 wasted!

PS: i couldnt find a pic of the actual adapter i bought but it was £10 (s video lead £15)

djmaddis said:
All i get is Black and white. I cant work out why this is the case as the adapter i bouht (simmilar to the one below) should convert s video to scart. I spent a total of £25 on saturday so i could use my f200 on my normal tv, but all i get is black and white. I didnt bother getting an all in one s video to scart as i wanted to also use the tv out function without the cradel (using the f200 tv out adapter) to connect to the scart adapter posted below.

I used to have the same problem on my old tv, it is easily solved:
You can either get an svideo to composite adapter or connect 2 pins (I have forgotten which ones) in the svideo input on the adapter. The latter of those options is not really advanageous for the image quality.
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