Cradle And Gp2x

The Last Spartan

Still Fresh
May 3, 2007
If you plug in a power pack for the Cradle (Which is 5V 3A from what I have read) will it also power the GP2X? Thanks for all the help guys :D .

Can someone please verify that it is 5V 3A for the Cradle :)

Would this power the cradle 5V, 2.5A

I can get it for about 10 bucks since I work there, but I want to make sure first.
The Last Spartan said:
But does it power the GP2X as well? And charge the batteries(that would be cool :P )
no and no

and yes that power supply will work fine, just make sure you put the tip correctly (center positive unlike the 2x) or you could fry something
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Thanks. So I need 2 power supplies( Or just one if I dont use anything high current in the cradle). Would 3V work for the GP2X itself, or is that pushing it.........
The Last Spartan said:
I think I will stop talking.........
Sorry! didn't realise i'd already pasted you that URL ;-)

OK, You will need two power supplies - one for the GP2X and one for the cradle itself. Depending on what you're plugging in you *may* be able to get away with one power supply for the GP2X. Otherwise, get one for the cradle and let the GP2X run off batteries...

Neither methods will recharge the batteries - in fact take them out if you're using an external power supply.

And yes, this should have been far simpler with the cradle charging the GP2X when it's plugged in... ;-) Blame GPH !
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Hi Simon,

Can you run simple things like game controllers and keyboard or use the TV out without needing to power the cradle?
