Coward Needs Help With Upgrade Please


Still Fresh
Nov 16, 2008
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Have a F200 running a sdhc card no problems. i have also got a F100 which is running version 2.1.2 and will not support the sdhc card. Have D/L firmware 4 popped it on to a 512mb card and as the firmware upgrade guide suggests put it into the F100 and turned it on. PROBLEM nothing happens it just boots as normal.

Two questions:

Q1, How do i upgrade F100 to get sdhc support?

Q2, Anyone live local willing to help??
OK let's see, I reinstalled FW 4.0.0 on my F-100 last night after another failed attempt at open2x DR7(but i'm not giving up! aghhh!), this is the procedure:

-Format your SD on FAT32 system.
-Place the downloaded contents of the FW4.0.0 on the root of your SD card.
-Make sure you have a trusted power source.
-With the SD inserted, boot the GP2X while holding both Select and Start until the Firmware upgrade screen appears. The upgrade will now begin.
-After around five minutes the process should be complete and you will be presented with the main menu.

Just in case:
I use FW4.1.0 because it has some other features but you lose the USB connection.

Is this helpful? :)
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'eRETROnic' said:
Have a F200 running a sdhc card no problems. i have also got a F100 which is running version 2.1.2 and will not support the sdhc card. Have D/L firmware 4 popped it on to a 512mb card and as the firmware upgrade guide suggests put it into the F100 and turned it on. PROBLEM nothing happens it just boots as normal.

Two questions:

Q1, How do i upgrade F100 to get sdhc support?

Q2, Anyone live local willing to help??
hi there my cowardly gp2x owning friend.come from the back of your sofa hiding place and allow me to TRY and help. then this is what i did to get my gp2x 100 sdhc memory cards.i was running mine off fireware 2.1.2 before i upgrade so it sounds like you should do what i did.first i downloaded firware 4.0.0 from the gp2x file archive,and then i put the files which were in the folder i downloaded (there should be somthing like 3 IMG filesa tar and sound file) on to a 512mb memory card which i formated before hand with "FAT 32" you cand do this by going on to my computer and highliging your memory card right mouse click,then click format then choose option to format with FAT 32.once you"ve done all that put your memory card in to your gp2x and HOLD SELECT AND START as you turn on your gp2x this should take you to the fireware update screen follow the instructions.IMPORTANT ive heard that the updade process is SUPPOSED to be very ower consuming so make sure you have fully charged battries/new ones in cos if they run out while update you can BRICK your gp2x.I hop this helps let me know if you need any more i did all that and im happily runing firware 4.0.0 with sdhc.
and the answer to your second question no i dont live local :P .
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Well as you can see now that's two of us that agree with the same process. And i've done it around 6 times the same way. :)
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'eRETROnic' said:
'gp2.eXe' said:
Well as you can see now that's two of us that agree with the same process. And i've done it around 6 times the same way. :)

Thanks people will try that tommorow :rolleyes:How did it go? Did you manage to get Firmware 4.0 installed with SDHC ready on your GP2X-F100? :unsure:
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'Tag5' said:
'eRETROnic' said:
'gp2.eXe' said:
Well as you can see now that's two of us that agree with the same process. And i've done it around 6 times the same way. :)

Thanks people will try that tommorow :rolleyes:How did it go? Did you manage to get Firmware 4.0 installed with SDHC ready on your GP2X-F100? :unsure:
Yes it works like it should, it took two attempts the first time it said patching failed but i rebooted and tried again and it went all ok.

many thanks for the reply people it really helped me out now how about my cradle problem!!!! :P
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