Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Please stay safe, y'all

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Apparently it's spreading in Italy...
Did you see the italian guy complaining the supermarket ran out of pasta? (Because of the hoarding). It wan't that bad in WW2 he says...

There was more hoarding in other places... like China

Here is a tongue-in-cheek description of what is happening in Italy:

I mean, even these guys have left thew supper table in Milan and have gone home:

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Did you see the italian guy complaining the supermarket ran out of pasta? (Because of the hoarding). It wan't that bad in WW2 he says...

There was more hoarding in other places... like China

Here is a tongue-in-cheeck description of what is happening in Italy:

I mean, even these guys have left thew supper table in Milan and have gone home:


Luckily only some areas seems affected by this craziness.

Oh, by the way, I went to a "red" area, so you better stay away from my posts !! :eek:
Since Viruses don't like heat much, at least countries like India should be compared safe. It would be a real catastrophe, if the Covid19 Virus spread there.
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You've at least got the alps in between italy and germany which people fly in and out of to go skiiing, but don't generally go straight through.
Exchanging viruses at the skiing area should suffice. Plus, there is traffic going trough.

Since Viruses don't like heat much, at least Countries like India should be comared safe.
Those viruses go to work in human bodies and have no problem spreading itself to new humans on the by. And, humans tend to be well tempered in most circumstances.It doesn't make much of a difference, if human happens to be on Greenland or in the Sahara. Our termostasice play into their hands.
Yes, but virus transmission from body to body is not usually a direct transfer, even if someone sneezed into the mouth of someone who was yawning, it still has to stay intact as it flies through the air within the mucus. The most common transmission routes are sneezing onto surfaces, then the recipient gets the virus on their hands, then they absent-mindedly rub their eye. In the time where the virus is cooling on the worksurface, or heating up if it's a hot day and in the sun, it has to survive outside of the body. When the virus is in vivo it raidly latches onto receptors on the surface of our cells and breaks in, then takes over the cell's DNA replicator and produces hundreds of copies of itself, until it eventually ruptures the cell walls and the process starts again, I believe. That's the opportunity our bodies white cells have to identify it and mop it up before it latches on to yet new cells and starts to overwhelm them. But the time spent on most surfaces where transmission occurs is much greater than the time spent between cells inside of us. When it's inside cells despite being at the same body temperature I assume, the cells wall protect it from foreign object impact, and any chemicals that would attack it's RNA. Maybe it's largely protected from similar chemical attack when it's between cells inside our tissues too I guess.
The YouTube channel "Chubbyemu" made a really good video about how the corona virus works from what we know so far. I'll embed it below.

It doesn't contain a lot of upsetting images but I'd imagine the stories themselves can be disturbing to some since they are so detailed. Do not watch if you're sensitive and have a vivid imagination. You have been warned.

I don't trust The WHO.
They always lie to us.

Usually I'd dismiss such statements as conspiracy talk but the situation in Iran has put an enormous dent in my trust for WHO.

News reports from Iran indicate full blown panic with people getting sick left and right a week ago, yet they supposedly only have 245 cases with 26 confirmed deaths. With the 3.4% mortality rate you arrive at from global statistics they should be somewhere around 700-800 in the initial phase. Statistically that indicates they're either exceptionally good at containment, the population of Iran having widespread cases of compromised immune systems, or the official numbers are not reflecting the actual situation. It just doesn't make sense otherwise.

In other news, Swedish authorities are now reporting they're tracking around 40-something suspected cases around Göteborg. A private company in Uppsala is also reporting they're advising employees to stay at home after they suspected COVID-19 had gotten into the office building after an anonymous employee returned from a trip to an undisclosed location. I wonder how long it will take before we get a case in central Stockholm...
I don't see how the unreliability of the data coming out or Iran makes you distrust the WHO. And that's nothing compared to the data coming out of North Korea, who want face masks and testing kits, but reckon nobody's actually got the infection, hmm.

In an earlier guise, the Who said this:

And yeah, there are sporadic cases coming in today from people who've been to Italy on their hols and came back, and yep, they've got it. Remember to wash your hands, folks.
I don't see how the unreliability of the data coming out or Iran makes you distrust the WHO.

I think it boils down to how it's spreading unchecked in at least one country while they just look at the numbers and say it's not a pandemic. It clearly fits the definition of a pandemic (an epidemic with spread across muiltiple continents), yet they refuse to admit it because either "they don't use the term pandemic anymore" or "the symptoms aren't severe enough". Iran was just the drop that sunk the boat and I realized how they're taking the political approach instead of the humanitarian one.
Iran was just the drop that sunk the boat
So if I take this newsbite: We Should Prepare For a US Outbreak of Coronavirus, Not Because We May Feel Personally at Risk, But So That We Can Help Lessen the Risk For Everyone.

And mix it with with your newsbite, then there is the moral obligation to invade help the country to lessen the outbreak risk for everyone all humanity!


Remember to wash your hands, folks.
Somewhere I read that "washing your hands" means WASHING your hands, as if you are going to do a surgery. (the span of time it takes one to sing "Happy birthday" twice). It doesn't help if you get reinfected with the towel, so change that one often. Also wipe your doorhandles, mouse, keyboard with alcohol. Now, that would work... if it wasn't airborne...

I rather have a bacteria.... because you can go both extremes with that, either keep everything clean, or very dirty. In a dirty environment, they'd have to compete with the other bacteria...
Somewhere I read that "washing your hands" means WASHING your hands, as if you are going to do a surgery. (the span of time it takes one to sing "Happy birthday" twice)
That be more like 15 Min.
That be more like 15 Min.

Wait, don't tell you are like me? We start in English with "Happy Birthday", continue in Spanish ("Cumpleaños Feliz" and "Las mañanitas") then finish off with "Lang zal ze leven"? But even that doesn't take 7 minutes... so uhm... you sing an extended edition?
I sure hope they're not going to use this excuse to take our agency over our own bodies away. IMO a totalitarian regime is never acceptable and it cannot get more totalitarian than forced vaccines. Freedom over your own body and health is definitely one of the most important freedoms there is. However sometimes I'm afraid that people nowadays would be fine with a totalitarian regime as long as it gets a more marketing-friendly name and that they would gladly accept such a regime as long as they get to keep the freedom to decide what to watch on Netflix.
To be fair, it surprised me when he said that, but actually being forced to take an injection into your own body does actually seem quite an important thing, if we ignore the fact it'll have been extensively tested and validated first. You could argue that running the economy from the centre is more or less significant, but to me at least it's pretty close.
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