Couple of question b4 I buy GP32.


Still Fresh
Jun 6, 2003
SE London
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Itiching to buy one of these off the net today a few questions first...

What the xcade emulation like? How well do old namco games such as Dig Dug, galaxians etc play on it?

How well does Doom and heretic play using a joypad over a mouse?

How longs Battery life if your not using the back light?

I take it the snes emulation is not up to speed yet but is it playable or too jerky.

Nes/NeoGeo pocket/master system/pc engine emualation are these pretty much emualare games 100% ?

1) No idea, not tried them I'm afraid

2) Well, I used to play doom with the keyboard anyway, so it plays very well on the GP32. Heretic, I have not tried, not sure how fast it is...

3) About 10-12 hours without, 3-5 with. Assuming good batteries.

4) Some games are playable, some are not, but a new release will hopefully come within the next few months :)

5) Nes is pretty good now, with the nes fNes (not released), and Little John. Master system I have not tried, but I believe is good, apart from the sound. Not tried Neogeo Pocket either :P. And PC-Engine is a very nice speed. Remember though, no emulator is 100% so not all games will work on any of them, even PC ones :)

Hope that helps.
X-cade doesnt feature any sound though (yet) , and you have to use a progam to put
all the roms together in one file for the specified game.

Oh and if you are using a merged mame rom set you will also run into problems

Just my experience with X-cade
Doom has killed many an evening for me on the GP32. The joypad is extremely responsive and works well with the game.

Dunno much about the arcade emu, i have the snes emu and, yes, its pretty darn slow but rumours of a better one are afoot. Some SNES games work quite well. The NES emulator is brilliant, mines got no sound, and with only 2x frameskip on, it runs as fast as it should. The Mastersystem & Gamegear emulator is stunning, near flawless and full speed.

Basically the GP32 is one of my favourite toys at the mo. I was questioning loads before i bought one, basically not beliving it could do all it says, but trust me it does, and more!
